Hopefully you are able to find her a friend

I have several cades but they are shepherdess trained and all at 4-6 weeks of age
I have a shepherdess feeder (best thing ever) and I had 4 cades from mine and then bought in more to top it up to 12 (might aswel on the feeder)
As the power for the feeder is indoors and so is the feeder, the lambs stay on the feeder and get pulled off at 6-7 weeks of age to go outside and be weaned.
They are weaned at this age do to the risk of red-gut from gorging themselves as unlike mummy the shepherdess never says no. This year lambs on the shepherdess are comparable to lambs on mummies!! whearas in previous years bottle feds always look behind/identifiable as bottle feds.
Before when I have had lambs on the bottle I put them outside with the flock at 2-3 weeks of age, and just pop down to feed them 2-3 times per day, they learn to come running, drink then run back to the flock