I've put "Taff" on the boat, he will be the one going "Woof - Butt"
Does anyone ever use these things though? I've never filled one in, do people contact you this way?
Yep my wife gets numerous enquiries each week, the form is sent to her as an email but her address is hidden in Java script so not easily harvested or seen by the sender. The person sending the contact form supplies their email address which my wife replies to and normal communications take place. The form is only for initial contact without attracting ‘bad’ bots etc.
The odd wayward mail is never a problem, only when it gets put on commercial saleable lists will you pull yer hair out. It’s a cautionary suggestion, the choice or gamble is yours. If you really want your email visible you can reduce the risk by having the address shown as an image (picture) rather than text.
Err which ferry is Taff on and can he follow google maps?