I think Wombles post is a very fair accurate assessment .
The danger of opposing such things like turbines etc. is that if your not careful it will become a monster that takes over your life and hurts your marriage/relationship.
The post about claiming noise irritation .. especially low frequency & low frequency vibrations .. have an open mind ..go and visit several turbines.
The latest types are somewhat much quieter than the ones of even five years ago as the blades are tuned to reduce noise.
You should be able to request info on the noise levels at set distances in set wind conditions & see how that all stack up wrt the supposed effect it might have on people within certain ranges.
One interesting thing I read in one of the numerous engineering mags my wife works with was about a Dutch wind turbine was that, " The more vociferous people became about the noise the more they heard it .. someone managed to get all those complainants hearing tested as part of the investigation to try and get the turbine stopped and dismantled .
Six of the biggest complainers were unable to hear the sound frequency even after half a dozen tests.
That's what I mean by don't let it take over your lives.
Same with those of you who feel they are visual intrusions and monstrosities.. be careful of the words you use incase the very word you use up's the anti a lot and causes you to upset yourselves.
Remember a blind man would be really chuffed to see one of these turbines.
You might also be able to run along the lines of let them have the permission and add in the legally binding rider that should sound surveys prove that the noise /vibrations are above WHO recommended levels that the turbines cease operation immediately and are dismantled .
A couple of years back we stayed within 800 mtrs of some of the biggest wind turbines in Germany ( massive wind farm of around 23 turbines ) in our caravan for four weeks at Phalz , I think they must have each been a good 97 mtr tall .
The wind was good enough to put up our 1.5 mtr tall kite most days & often blew across us from the direction of the turbines .
I'm tone deaf in the upper registers of a woman's voice ( I now have the papers since 2004 to prove it

) due to being a bit too close to a big explosion though tend to be quite sensitive to low frequency noise .
Alison & Munchkin are pitch perfect musicians with first class hearing . None of us was even slightly bothered by any turbine noise as , we just didn't hear any whilst we were there.
We did take a trip out to the nearest turbine and standing 25 mtrs away from the base we could hear & feel a low vibratory whooshing noise every time the blade came to the bottom of the arc similar to swishing a 15 foot long fishing rod but not too hard . At about 200 mtrs even Holly said she couldn't hear much and at 500 mtrs down wind on the track in the wood even she said she couldn't hear anything.
We have visited the local big turbine array on Betws Mountain several times where there are no trees or shrubs to mask or deflect any sound .. At 100 mtrs down wind on a very windy day we could hear the gentle soft whoosh as the blades reached the bottom of the arc.
At 200 mtrs down wind all we could hear was a very faint slow rhythmic shusshing/ moaning noise and at 300 mtrs it was just the wind in our ears though we could hear cars doing a max of around 30 mph on the road 100 mtrs down wind of us ..