Author Topic: Does anyone eat goat meat?  (Read 20681 times)

Gordon M

  • Joined Sep 2009
Re: Does anyone eat goat meat?
« Reply #30 on: November 09, 2009, 05:41:37 am »
We used to be fed on goats meat about three times a week when I worked in Pakistan, it was a real treat! It's amazing how few types of meat people eat or have access to here in the UK, you can scarcely get a butcher to supply rabbit nowadays. I for one would love to get some goat meat again, it really is delicious, never had it curried though.



  • Joined May 2009
  • Peak District
Re: Does anyone eat goat meat?
« Reply #31 on: November 09, 2009, 02:27:37 pm »
I like rabbit, too.  And you are right, you do not see it in the butchers much, if at all.  But, about half an hour from us, there is a proper game butcher, and outside, depending on the season, he displays, rabbits, hares, pheasants etc.  still in their fur and feathers.  As we have quite a few big estates (not housing ones, the landed ones, where they have shoots! he can probably source his stock from there.  He has been there for years, so I assume he sells enough, along with the usual meat to keep going.


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