With having all these goats all of a sudden, I am probably going to have a lot of kids too.
I have always been curious about goat meat, but had never tasted it. I was at a farmers market, and got talking to a stall holder who was selling goat meat. She offered me some to taste, I declined at first, them my curiosity got the better of me, and I had a little bit. And I have to say I liked it!!! I
assumed it would be like lamb, but wasn't - it was actually a bit sweet, and no fat at all. The lady showed me some chops from an Anglo Nubian, and they too had no fat, and looked really nice. Apparantly there is quite a market for goat meat in the posh restaurants!! To be honest, I have only thought of a goat curry maybe, and not really looked into it.
This lady runs 150 goats, free range, and kills the castrated billies after 9-12 months. She has said she is happy to buy any surplus kids I have. I am tempted to have one for the freezer, but I doubt my OH would like that idea .....not once he had seen it running in the field.
I am seriously considering running some castrated billies on, just to see how they do. I will not be eating my present goats of course