The commercial breeders let them go after they have had them for their maximum productive life and usually when they start their first moult sometime around 18 months. For now they will use their reserves to grow back their feathers first and then start laying again. You may find when they do that some of them have bad habits like egg eating, not always but it is common so be prepared for that, although hopefully yours will behave.
I won't have ex-battery any more, they were too much trouble, we've had too many vent peckers, egg eaters and deformed egg layers. You nurture them back into lay and then find they all want necking, it's heart breaking
Having said that we have had the odd absolute darling from an ex-battery batch, one hen used to follow hubby around if she saw a garden fork in his hand and came running like a dog if you called her by name.
You should get eggs by spring if they have regrown their plumage and the eggs will be bigger but not so many as a first year layer.