We have just had our first lamb - a Ouessant male - SAM!
He is black as black and beautifully soft and curly, Not at all what I expected having held other lambs.
This is our very first time with our very first little 'flock' and have two more ewes waiting to lamb.
It is just so exciting!
We were very lucky to see an advertisement on a French site advertising a small flock of eight and guess what? She liked us, and guess what? we bought them!
Having already got Norman and his two friends, this little group came as a bit of a shock with other intact males amongst them, but they are all getting on ok. Of the new group four are female and three are in tact males. The other male is castrated. I am going to have to either castrate or move some on.
I did promise the lady I would keep them altogether so I guess castration is the way to go.
A really wonderful, sunny and exciting time in our little tiny part of Normandy!
How do I put on some pics? I have quite a few! HELP PLEASE?