Hi Danndans
We're up to ten
now with
plenty more still to come!!!
I am eagerly waiting on one particular ewe (nicknamed Dominant ewe) to 'drop' - she is, and always has been huge, and I'm convinced it will be triplets (that'll make a change from all these twins we're having!
We had a really bleak period just prior to things kicking off when we lost a couple of ewes - one in the middle of labour just rolled its eyes and it was gone, we tried to get the lambs out of her without success (could not find a head!!!)
For our first year of this it has been an emotional rollercoaster with every kind of complication and problem imaginable! We will be experts by next year.
Everything is going much more smoothly now. The 'rucksack' is constantly on standby and I am now on three weeks holiday so we're there most of the time.
Hope all is well with you - how many
are you up to now?