OK folks
old family recipe- no honestly so don't tell my mum I've let it out of the bag.!!
Scottish Tablet
1oz butter
3/4 bag granulated sugar
397g tin of condensed milk
fill empty tin up with semi skimmed milk and add
and thats it
the trick is to get the boiling right.
add everything to the pan (jam pan or thick based is best- mum uses an old pressure cooker pan)
on a very low heat and stir with a wooden spoon until all the sugar has dissolved- (when you no longer feel or see any sugar grains in the bottom of the pan). then turn the heat up to boil. It will change to a lovely goldon brown colour- stir it occationally to prevent it sticking.
boiling should take about 20 mins- (sorry can't be more accurate but it isn't a precise science)
have a cold plate on stand by- when it looks as if its thickening, put a little on the cold plate and leave for a second or two- then push it with your finger (careful- hot sugar burns!) if it has formed a skin which cracks then its ready.
pour out onto a grease proofed paper tray or greased moulds and leave to cool-
watch the kids queue up for the 'scrappings' out of the pan- (we used to think they were the best bits)
score the tray while its cooling, that will make it easier to break when its cooled
its very sweet and very morish.! consistency should be like firm fudge, not hard like the commercial stuff.it should melt in the mouth- fussels conddensed milk used to be the best for tablet but we have to put up with carnation since they stopped making it.
use the real condensed milk in a tin- not the pouring stuff or 'diet'- it doesn't work.
make sure you have dissolved all of the sugar before you turn the heat up- otherwise its not smooth and creamy when you have finished and likewise try not to over biol or it will become too hard.
never added chilli to it before- will give it a try- stem ginger works well.
good luck! you've got a year to pefect it- let me know how it goes,