I have 10 acres, most of which is the Highland pony stud I've run for over 20 years. Initially an expensive hobby when I was working, it now has to pay for itself as far as possible, for which I need 2-3 sales a year and a stud fee or two for the stallion if I can manage it. Selling 1 a year at present which is something of a drain, but I have reduced overall from average 20 ponies to currently 12 of which 1 on loan and 1 sold bar the payment of the balance, I just have a deposit so far..
I have 20 odd hens and sell any eggs I can, which usually about covers their feed costs and gives me a steady diet, along with fruit and veg I grow. The orchard (plums/apples) earned for the first time ever this year through joining the local Orchard Group, but my share was under £60 as most members do it as a hobby and the group wouldn't take all I could have supplied as it was more than the rest and they wanted to be fair to everyone
I am planting more fruit trees/bushes but mostly it's for my own use - I am veggie so the more fruit and veg and eggs I have the better my diet balance and the lower my food bills..
Over and above the holding based stuff I sometimes sell crafts, art, massage therapy, counselling/psychotherapy and any other services I can manage and folk will pay for. I've done basic websites, run workshops, done alternative therapies, all sorts, but most of it is dormant at the mo due to health issues so things are a little tight for now.
My holding was bought on a mortgage when I was working and I overpaid regularly and had an offset savings account too so now I don't earn much I can still cover the minimum payments without difficulty. Everything else is getting honed down further and further, but I haven't broken even in the 3 years I've been living this way tho it is getting closer each year so that's progress