Now I tread on thin ice, so thin you can see the water below it.
Even in full knowledge that there are a clan or three here.
To make matter worse its me an Englishman , in one swoop, generalizing and putting all Scots into the basket marked ' stupid '
Why oh why do I do this terrible thing ?
Read on.
In the office where my dear lady works is a man from Dundee. I no longer refer to him by his real name, prefering to call him Mr stupid.
He recently did a trip to Scotland. Upon returning to work on Monday he started to feel ill. He phoned a doctor at 10.30am. The doctor has confirmed that in all probabilty he has swine flu. The fact that his brother in Dundee has it as well, does not help !
Then Mr stupid, goes back to the office, against the rules set in place for this flu. Walks around tells everyone who wants to hear that he has flu has been given tamiflu and will be off work for a while ! Luckily panic was setting in by the time he got to see my dear lady wife. She and two ther female friends went off to the ' rest room ' ( it is an American company ! ) until he had gone.
Ok, you can catch it on a train, but at the moment cases are very few and far between here , so his actions must be considered stupid.
I actually know that Scots are not all stupid, as you invented the phone, or was it a Englishman ?