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Author Topic: Large eggs  (Read 2849 times)


  • Joined Apr 2013
  • Kent
Large eggs
« on: August 30, 2013, 01:36:36 pm »

We have been given some chickens to add to our small flock. One of them lays massive eggs. I can't work out which one, but todays egg weighed 111g and looks somewhat similar to a goose egg! To start with I thought it was because they'd been moved, a kind of 'egg backlog' because they didn't lay for a couple of days. However it keeps happening.

They seem fine, they peck and chat, they seem to have kind of settled with our other birds. They are on exactly the same food as before but I also give them a seeweed supplement. They get some fruit and veg etc as well.

Any ideas what is causing this and whether it's a problem?


  • Joined Jun 2012
  • S W northumberland
Re: Large eggs
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2013, 08:38:50 pm »
We have a 2yr old normal brown hen who always lays extra large eggs every day. They are double yolked .


  • Joined Feb 2011
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Re: Large eggs
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2013, 11:52:05 pm »
I just posted about this on another thread.  IME, overlarge / double yolk eggs are due to eating more pellets than are necessary.  There's a lot more in similar vein in the quoted post.

I had one greedy bird couldn't help herself  ::) - so I switched to a pellet they didn't like so much and that sorted her overeating out!   :D  (Wish someone could do this for me  ::))
Don't listen to the money men - they know the price of everything and the value of nothing

Live in a cohousing community with small farm for our own use.  Dairy cows (rearing their own calves for beef), pigs, sheep for meat and fleece, ducks and hens for eggs, veg and fruit growing


  • Joined Jul 2012
  • Kent
  • HesterF
Re: Large eggs
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2013, 12:08:10 am »
I had some double yolkers earlier in the season when their systems were kicking in. They were 100g ish but long and thin rather than being like a proportional big egg  - you could sort of spot them as a double yolker. Mind you, I did mistake a duck double yolker for my first goose egg. How old is your hen?


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