Just to update on our Shetland lambing progress, half the flock have now lambed - seven out of 14.
We have 8 ewe lambs and only 3 boys!! (it was 6:1 until last night so it is improving!)
All mothered up all healthy, no interventions. I LOVE Shetlands, that's over 60 lambs to date in our sheep keeping and not a single intervention, touch wood.
Following the worm and fluke testing and the positive worm result they are all being wormed and then kept in for 24 hours before they go out with the other mums and lambs.
Pingu the extra friendly girl still remembers me and races across for a head and chin scratch when I call her, but knows who her mum is and where the milk bar is :-)))
Hopefully the other 7 will lamb as easily, although 4 lambs were born at nearly 9pm last night which is slightly unusual!!
Colours so far, white, white with tan spots, black and white, black, fawn katmoget and moorit