Hi everybody, I need your help!
Until now, we've been using a seconds quality "QPS" dog bath for our ducks, which I bought from Ebay:

Now, I won't knock this, since it's worked very well indeed. However, it's a bit tall for our ducks, and currently only one will go up the wee ramp I made and have a swim. The rest just hang about the side and drink, but struggle to get their heads fully immersed. This is hardly ideal, since I feel I have to leave a small bucket of water out too so they can preen and blow their noses properly.
So, I went on the lookout for something a bit shallower, and the best I could find was this cement mixing tray from Homebase:

This wasn't cheap by any means (£18.50), but I hoped it would last a while. Unfortunately when I tried to empty it out this morning the cold had made it too brittle, and I cracked a large section off the rim.
So, I'm now looking for something of a similar size but hopefully a bit more robust in the cold. Any suggestions folks?