Very naughty already working with your Christmas present ....
I got an Ashford rigid heddle loom a few years back for Christmas too... but it has now been sitting for the last year with nothing on....
, I have had a couple of ideas in my mind, but as yet not anything done... as always... I cannot leave my fibre-works-in-progress in the open as I do not have a dedicated corner of the house for "my stuff", so always takes an age to unpack and then pack away again...
Now I never thought about dishcloths.... very nice! And the scarf is beautiful. One of the things I found very exciting was to use the multicoloured yarns and not knitting them, but actually weaving them - really interesting colour combinations came up! I did a NORO scarf.
When my children have left home I will take over their rooms for MY stuff!!! and I WILL have a proper floor loom... nearly bought one a couple of years back (it was in bits), but fortunately someone else was quicker in deciding than I was...