You aren't, and you know that you aren't really?
Learn from it, that's all we can do. You'll never see it all with sheep.
I remember eavetroughing to 2 shearers at a sheepshow who were talking about a lady near here who had just jumped up from 10 sheep to 200. She was turning an enthusiastic hobby into a career overnight.
One of them remarked, 'it'll just depend on how many dead sheep she can live with.'
I thought that he was being callous and spiteful, but thinking about it afterwards perhaps he was right.
If you keep a lot of animals then statistically you are going to get a bigger incidence of trouble. Having the spirit and confidence to pick yourself up after all of the inevitable trainwrecks is part of being a shepherd.
Things happen that would floor the average marshmallow townee git [!] but we keep going.
The flock needs us!