Author Topic: new layers not laying-HELP PLEASE  (Read 9322 times)


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new layers not laying-HELP PLEASE
« on: October 03, 2012, 07:10:55 am »
Help! I'm a pretty experienced hen keeper, but I'm stumped now, as are ask the local friends &colleagues I've asked for advice.
I bought some new rangers, at 23 Weeks, they were inoculated, wormed & were already in lay, as we got about 6_8 eggs for a few days after bringing them home. Then,1 by 1 they've stopped laying!
They are all happy, perky, eating, drinking mucky bums. It had been almost three Weeks since I had any eggs from them now....... Any help / ideas really appreciated!
Ihave made certain there are no red mites, they have a light on for a couple of hours to extend the laying day,& they have been on acv just to make sure they are ok.



  • Joined Jun 2010
Re: new layers not laying-HELP PLEASE
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2012, 07:15:52 am »
Time of year, moulting, change of home, change of food.
To be honest our lot have stopped at the moment!


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Re: new layers not laying-HELP PLEASE
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2012, 08:43:05 am »
As above. Ours have pretty much stopped. Lots of moulting going on and the hens that have been in the breeding pens all summer are busy growing feathers on their backs now the cockerels are giving them a bit of a break.

in the hills

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Re: new layers not laying-HELP PLEASE
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2012, 08:53:49 am »
How long have you had them for?   Were they already laying when you had them? Are they hybrids?

If they are POL hybrids and you had them for a week or two and they then began to lay which is the normal pattern you expect when you buy POL hybrids then I would have expected them to continue to lay reasonably well through the autumn and winter even without the provision of extra lighting.

I don't think you would expect POL pullets to begin moulting or having a rest for winter. This is more the case for pure breed hens and older birds.

If the birds were already laying when you had them then they may stop for a week or two as they adjust to their new home.

You are an experienced keeper so you have probably thought of all the obvious things ie. enough food, water, worming, too much competition for food, stress from existing flock members,mite and lice


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Re: new layers not laying-HELP PLEASE
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2012, 08:55:39 am »
Maybe give them time to get over the moult, then give them a bit more artificial light each day. With luck you may get eggs all through the winter :fc:


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Re: new layers not laying-HELP PLEASE
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2012, 09:00:39 am »
Have you had to integrate them with an existing flock? Are they being given a hard time by more established hens?


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Re: new layers not laying-HELP PLEASE
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2012, 10:54:04 am »
I would expect any "in lay" bird to go "off lay" after a move, especially if they are a group removed from a larger flock
They will need to adjust to their new surroundings and your routines, maybe a slightly different food, different tasting water etc.  Plus they will probably need to establish a pecking order.  You will probably find they will start laying again during the next few weeks. 
As long as they have no resident body mites and you are sure you are redmite free, and your ground is not old poultry worm infested ground, then just check they are not laying away, or that some pesky varmint is not stealing eggs, ie rats, magpies, crows, squirrels (very active this time of year) even hedgehogs, though those are mainly nightime culprits.  Buzzards overhead in the daytime, foxes scratching at the coop at nightime, and rats scuttling around all put hens off lay.
Otherwise relax, let them get used to you and their new home and look forward to plenty of eggs soon
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Re: new layers not laying-HELP PLEASE
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2012, 11:09:34 am »
I bought 6 new hens in last Saturday feed 3 times a day will take 3 weeks to get them in lay they have coughs so medicating them .Just give them time to get in you re route an .


  • Joined Aug 2012
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Re: new layers not laying-HELP PLEASE
« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2012, 12:14:56 pm »
My established hens are barely laying at the moment. Weather, daylight, moulting etc.

Personally I don't expect youngsters now to lay until the spring (though I do keep traditional breeds not hybrids)


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Re: new layers not laying-HELP PLEASE
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2012, 12:22:46 pm »
Good points made. True you should expect hybrids that are just starting to continue to lay through the winter. Even many pure breeds will lay on through the darker days in their first winter. Also true you wouldn't expect them to be moulting now if they're POL. That leaves just the shock of the move and/or integrating with the existing flock asuming there are no health or parasite problems.


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Re: new layers not laying-HELP PLEASE
« Reply #10 on: October 03, 2012, 12:58:19 pm »
and cant glean if they are cooped or free ranging...   if latter, they do lay in the most secretive places - I have had to resort to detective like following on occasions and on others lifted a plank that doesnt look like ANYTHING could wigggle under it and found giant hoards (32 eggs the last one!).  Good luck, Fi


  • Joined Jan 2011
Re: new layers not laying-HELP PLEASE
« Reply #11 on: October 03, 2012, 07:57:29 pm »
We have had exactly the same thing happen.  Bought 20 POL hybrid hens at 18 weeks old and over a couple of weeks they built up to around 16 eggs a day and then have slowly reduced numbers - now lucky to get 6 eggs a day but usually less.  They are in a large run on their own, I have wormed them and dusted them for mites - just to tick those off the 'why' list but they are still not laying.  Very odd.

in the hills

  • Joined Feb 2012
Re: new layers not laying-HELP PLEASE
« Reply #12 on: October 03, 2012, 08:20:56 pm »
Mmmm ..... just out of interest do you feed ad-lib?


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Re: new layers not laying-HELP PLEASE
« Reply #13 on: October 03, 2012, 09:09:17 pm »
Yes - how much do they get to eat, and what are you feeding them?  If layers pellets, then what is the protein percentage?
Had their house been used for chickens in the past, and if so was it thoroughly treated for redmite in the cracks and perches etc, and are you 100 percent certain there are none now?
Did they lay in the nest boxes when they laid, and when they laid were the shells good and getting better?  What size were the eggs you got
What colour are their combs, and are they looking bright and alert?   Are any sneezing or showing other signs of illness?
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Re: new layers not laying-HELP PLEASE
« Reply #14 on: October 03, 2012, 10:04:25 pm »
it might just be the time of year, maybe combined with moving house. Mine are almost down to no eggs (ducks and hens alike), some of them moulting. I would not worry just yet.  :chook: :&>


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