No catalogue yet but the following has been added to their website, I hadn't heard of Romanov sheep but when you google them they are a russian breed and not a chelsea fan
( please note the spellings not mine)
Sale of Hebridean Sheep and Rare and Minority Breeds,
which also includes a bring and buy Poultry Section.
Present entires include: Sheep: 130 Hebridean, 53 Shetland Sheep, 32 Jacobs, 20 Soay Sheep, 10 Reylands, 8 Zwarbles, 7 Wenslydales, 2 Romanov Tups, 2 Kerryhill, 1 Welsh Badger Face.
Cattle: 2 Shetland Cows with Calves at foot
Horses & Ponies: 4 Shetland, 2 Donkeys.
Further details contact
Gregor Brodie – 07825 711858 or Raymond Kennedy – 07825 711859