Author Topic: wormer  (Read 2550 times)

Buffy the eggs layer

  • Joined Jun 2010
« on: August 10, 2012, 04:30:20 pm »
The vet advised that I worm my sheep about 6 weeks after getting them. Having looked on the internet there seems to be lots to chose from though many need to be purchased in large quantities.
Can you tell me what I need to buy and where to get it from please.

Re: wormer
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2012, 04:32:09 pm »
Despite what your vet says, dont just worm for the sake of it. Carry out an FEC first (worm Egg Count) then you know if you need to worm or not and what type of worm to target. - Safe Secure shopping for all your livestock equipment and supplies.
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  • Joined Aug 2009
  • Yorkshire
Re: wormer
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2012, 07:02:42 pm »
If you DO decide to worm then the vet can give you the right amount for number of sheep (they did for me anyway).  They decant from their supply into smaller bottles.  Charge you more but IMO its worth it not to have to buy a large quantity for only a few sheep.  :sheep:   PM'd you which vet.
Doing that swan thing - cool and calm on the surface but paddling like crazy beneath.


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