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Author Topic: New smallholdings for North Lanarkshire  (Read 6580 times)


  • Joined Oct 2007
  • Barry, Angus, Scotland
    • The Accidental Smallholder
New smallholdings for North Lanarkshire
« on: May 22, 2012, 09:34:15 am »
I received this today from an acquaintance of mine. She and her husband bought land in North Lanarkshire with a view to turning it into a smallholding community. I got this from her yesterday. I've asked for more details - when I get then I'll put them on here, but this is what I got from Lyn.
"Our planning application is now in with North Lanarkshire Council for 7 smallholdings, each site wwill come with a minimum of 3.5 to 5.2 acres and is to have an eco-sustainable self build house. 
 It's all down to the planners now but if anyone wants to support the application the planning number is 12/00408/PPP."

robert waddell

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Re: New smallholdings for North Lanarkshire
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2012, 09:54:51 am »
nothing new with this rosemary west lothian pioneered this type of development there was also scheme up your way many years ago    lanarkshire was the only area to allow sporadic development as they seen it as bringing money into the area and supporting rural schools and steading developments
in west lothian it was latter referred to as housing in the countryside that you would have no chance of getting normally
they are not the rose gardens portrayed in the shinny sales brochures  is the land suitable for use other than grass  do you own your own access or is it shared what uses can cannot be carried out there
there is one not far from us it is either 11 or 13 houses all self build all over a million each not bad from a rocky outcrop :farmer:


  • Joined Mar 2011
  • Dolau, Llandrindod Wells,Powys
Re: New smallholdings for North Lanarkshire
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2012, 09:56:32 am »
BRILLIANT IDEA, I hope it works out for them  especially as more county councils are selling off the smallholdings to get cash. first time farmers don't stand a chance of getting a foot on the ladder with the property prices for land now.

robert waddell

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Re: New smallholdings for North Lanarkshire
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2012, 10:06:32 am »
it is not that kind of scheme tizaala :farmer:


  • Joined Oct 2007
  • Barry, Angus, Scotland
    • The Accidental Smallholder
Re: New smallholdings for North Lanarkshire
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2012, 08:07:37 pm »
I didn't say it was anything new - I believe the Government had smallholdings after the war for returning ex-servicemenn. There's some on the road to Perth, some at Tealing and some at Sauchieburn. Many of them seem to be equestrian now or have sold the land and are just houses.

I hope Lyn and Ali's scheme gets permission. It includes community allotments too, according to the business plan on-line.

I don't know what the land is like but if it gets some folk a start, then good on them.

robert waddell

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Re: New smallholdings for North Lanarkshire
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2012, 08:46:48 pm »
there is a difference although there are parallels    there was two holding areas at linlithgow  the m9 scuppered the parkhead holdings  the ones at parkhead were on a shared building scheme with other smallholders but the solum the house sat on was still owned by the dept of agric
what your friend is attempting is the same as the lowland crofting in west lothian far to big a document to write here  well far to big for me to write   all the ones that have been  developed in west lothian are not a rung on the ladder to getting a bigger farming enterprize   i would like to be proved wrong but percentage wise would be minimal triple garages electric gates baronial turrets fancy horse stables  internal external swimming pools   you get the picture and mostly commuters
the first one built did comply with the basic outline but that did not last long  :farmer:


  • Joined Sep 2008
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Re: New smallholdings for North Lanarkshire
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2012, 11:12:17 pm »
Robert, lots of people aren't looking for a rung onto a bigger farming enterprise. The problem is supply and demand- if there is demand for rural homes for people with high incomes/lots of money who want to keep a couple of horses, then the demand for those properties will be supplied. And it'll be supplied by people who want to make as much money out of it as possible.

Rosemary, sounds like a good scheme and I hope it's successful.



  • Joined Oct 2007
  • Barry, Angus, Scotland
    • The Accidental Smallholder
Re: New smallholdings for North Lanarkshire
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2012, 09:21:00 am »
The PP for the houses is 1 1/2 stories, maximum 4 bedrooms - an attempt to prevent the "baronial mansions".

This is what I got from Lyn today - I'm sure she'd welcome support with the planners.

"After nearly 5 years of discussions and preparing drawings etc we have finally applied for planning permission for a total of 7 smallholdings on our 34 acres of land near Motherwell (5 plots in our 1st big field & 2 plots in a 2nd smaller field just up from the big field).
Situated reasonably close to the M8 & M74 motorways and just on the outskirts of a local village, the land is ideally situated for those looking for a more self orintated and eco-sustainable self build lifestyle opportunity.
Each plot will come with outline planning permission for a self build eco-sustainable 1.5 storey house, up to a maximum of 5.2 acres of ground and the opportunity to finally live the big dream that so many smallholders can only dream of.
Our biggest problem so far has been that North Lanarkshire Council do not believe that there is enough demand for this type of opportunity.
All support in this matter would be most welcome even if you don't live in the local area.  Our local community consultations confirmed that local people think it is a great idea and we need all the support we can get just now.
For us this is about providing more opportunities for like minded smallholders to have what we have and to finally live their ideal dream.
There needs to be more opportunities like this and as such we are asking for your help and support to make this happen. 
You can log on to register your support here:
Many thanks for all your help and support.


  • Joined Aug 2012
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Re: New smallholdings for North Lanarkshire
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2012, 09:56:01 am »
I have emailed support.  Wish there had been something like this when I moved down here.  It would have been so much better than what I have.
Always have been, always will be, a WYSIWYG - black is black, white is white - no grey in my life! But I'm mellowing in my old age


  • Joined Mar 2011
  • Dolau, Llandrindod Wells,Powys
Re: New smallholdings for North Lanarkshire
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2012, 10:12:48 am »
Just got my support posted before you Dogger, Come on Robert , stop being so negative, click on the link and get behind this scheme, If the council uses it's vetting interview procedure they will weed out the yuppy electric gate mob.
That goes for the rest of you as well , give this your support.


  • Joined Nov 2008
Re: New smallholdings for North Lanarkshire
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2012, 10:44:11 am »
Sounds like a good plan and I am sure there are people who will jump at the chance.

robert waddell

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Re: New smallholdings for North Lanarkshire
« Reply #11 on: May 23, 2012, 11:44:08 am »
oh how wrong you all are
i have spent the morning going through the application
first off it is  a money making scheme take some derelict land subdivide put some house plots on and you have made your first fortune or on your way to becoming a developer
now if the rest of you had researched it and went through the west lothian hand book submitted with this application  there is a list of farms that have been subject to lowland crofting and top of the list is my farm i think i have done enough for this scheme by pioneering it and laying the foundations for others to follow my scheme is my idea of what newbies to the country side would want not some developer  maximizing profit while cutting costs
at the first meeting with planning i was asked if the head honcho from new lives new landscapes could participate in the meeting and it was clear from the outset that there was two different directions this was going all expenses were to be borne by me with any subsequent profit to be split 50/50  i went it alone but he was involved with farm no2 west harwood(a student was doing a Theseus on the lowland crofting and interviewed both myself and the owner of west harwood i was flowing about the concept while the other farmer had wished he had never started (i think he got shafted) )
new lives new landscapes went on to develop almost all the other farms listed east whitburn mains was developed with normal houses and a nursing home plus a riding centre by another company
ever stage was controlled by the council even the adverts for selling the only good thing it did not take me as as long as Rosemary's friend has had to wait and i was pioneering it for them (it was David jarmins dream and he was head of planning at the time)
baronial style turrets and triple garages =east whitburn mains
rocky outcrop and million pound plus craigengall
electric gates most of them  :farmer:


  • Joined Oct 2007
  • Barry, Angus, Scotland
    • The Accidental Smallholder
Re: New smallholdings for North Lanarkshire
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2012, 02:29:12 pm »
Robert, I have absolutely no idea what your previous post was about.

But if anyone can bypass Robert's negative energy and wants further information and wants to be put on a waiting list for more info then they can contact Lyn on and when the time is right she will get in contact with you.

robert waddell

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Re: New smallholdings for North Lanarkshire
« Reply #13 on: May 23, 2012, 02:46:45 pm »
how can it be negative rosemary  your friend appears to be doing the same as i did  it is when others come into it to cream it  craigengall is the prime example  and if you were contemplating this form of development in west lothian the planners directed you to new lives new landscapes
just because i don't sign does not imply or refer that i am negative  just very wary or endorsing what appears to be a similar project :farmer:


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