I am a renewable heating installer based in Somerset. For new builds I can easily design in a air source heat pump which is a great solution, but for old small to medium sized properties with an existing radiator system. I fit automatic wood pellet boilers. It is normally a simple process to remove oil boiler and tank, connect in the wood pellet boiler to the existing wet system and off you go. The modern wood pellet boilers and stoves, I fit can be up to 97% efficient, they automatically light and go out, they modulate the power output to match the heating load like modern gas boilers and can be used on sealed systems. I even fit a condensing self cleaning wood pellet boiler that will burn 3 tonnes of wood pellets betwen emptying the ash box. Unlike most heat pumps they can heat radiators to 75 degrees, so no changes to your existing radiators and hot water system..
I do an automatic wood pellet boiler 22kW fitted from £5000 inc VAT, plus you get £950 RHHP grant back. So more from oil to pellets from around £4000.
I don't bother with wood burners with back boilers unless I am forced to fit them. They have no government grants, are quite inefficient and good dry wood is hard to come by these days.. Wood stoves with back boilers need regular refuelling / cleaning and require a lot of plumbing changes to change from a oil/gas boiler. It is for instance very expensive to couple a wood boiler to an unvented cylinder.
I would also recommend log gasification boilers, but you need lots of space to fit them as they need a large 1000litre++ buffer tank and access to lots of dry wood. I fit these mostly on Farms.
For large heat requirements, > 100kW, I would consider a wood chip boiler, but you need to put more effort in to realise savings, however, if you have a good local wood chips supplier it could be worth it.
I also recommend fitting solar flat panels along with the biomass boiler. Flat panels look better than tubes, are less fragile and much cheaper. In the winter they are not so good as vacuum tube solar, but they make it up in the summer when you really need it .