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Author Topic: Kerry Hill's - Opinions  (Read 19384 times)


  • Joined Jan 2011
  • "Possibilities and miracles mean the same thing"
Re: Kerry Hill's - Opinions
« Reply #15 on: May 01, 2012, 10:30:04 am »

Hi Smallholder, :wave:

Jill, by the way produced a pair of fine lambs a few weeks ago.  Found her coughing and scouring and unable to get up this afternoon so had the vet in.  Two separate infections, but she should recover now the vet's bill is ticking up. 

Sorry to hear this ,but sounds like you acted quickly and saved her.  - Hope she gets back on her feet soon and looks after her lambs.
I think the weather is more to blame than anything -Hot ,Cold then never ending  rain.We have been struggling here on the farm and have been getting stock back inside at night so they can  lay dry -but have to be very careful as "recipe" for causing pneumonia.


  • Joined Mar 2012
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Re: Kerry Hill's - Opinions
« Reply #16 on: May 01, 2012, 11:12:22 am »
If I kept what is popular locally I would have a great big Blackie x Texel or x Suffolk mule, be unable to tip it up for treatment on my own, the meat joints would be too big for us to eat and I would be having to assist with lambing/mismothering as it had triplets then stuck two fingers up at at least one lamb and peed off across the field 3 times round :-))))). sooo...whats good locally for sheep farmers in general might not be the best for a smallholder approach.

Instead I put up with the flightiness of the Shetlands in exchange for the fab meat, easy births, good mothering, toughness and cheapness of purchase and keep and lightness so I can manage them by myself when needed.

Its more important to me that they are easy every day of the year in looking after themselves and their lambs than that they are easy to round up every 5 minutes. (in fact they arent too bad if you get them bucket trained and get them to come to you instead of the other way round).

I agree with you I am in the North East of Scotland I have wiltshires and shetlands which I put to the cheviot tup and they work for me. I find sometimes farmers are frightened to take a chance which obviously someone had to at some point. Although I would never criticise anyone for what they choose to have.

I have been told that if there is a flock of Kerry Hills grazing and you come across them it quite something when they all look up at you.

All the best whatever you decide.


  • Joined Apr 2012
  • Suffolk
Re: Kerry Hill's - Opinions
« Reply #17 on: May 02, 2012, 09:36:28 am »
That you all for taking time to reply & esp to Jilly for the photo  ;D

It is early days but I feel we have to start somewhere. I think the general opinion on the Kerries is that they are a cracking looking breed & good mum's, for me that a start. Will build my list as I go along & see where it takes me.

Attending the Suffolk Show in June so hoping to pick the minds of a few sheepy people there.

Castlefarm, re the Llyens, a few people around us keep these & second what you say about being a lovely breed.


  • Joined Jan 2011
  • "Possibilities and miracles mean the same thing"
Re: Kerry Hill's - Opinions
« Reply #18 on: May 02, 2012, 10:15:18 am »

Hi ZakB
I am booked into the Suffolk Show with some G.F.D - hope to see you there........ :wave:


  • Joined Apr 2012
  • Suffolk
Re: Kerry Hill's - Opinions
« Reply #19 on: May 03, 2012, 12:12:55 pm »

Hi ZakB
I am booked into the Suffolk Show with some G.F.D - hope to see you there........ :wave:

Will make a point of coming to introduce myself to you & your GFD's

Esp as I've now google'd & found out what GFD's are  :dunce:

Small Farmer

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Re: Kerry Hill's - Opinions
« Reply #20 on: May 03, 2012, 07:34:54 pm »
Tilly's GFDs are awesome, along with her Lincoln Longwools
Being certain just means you haven't got all the facts


  • Joined May 2012
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  • Champion Kerry Hill Flock
Re: Kerry Hill's - Opinions
« Reply #21 on: May 12, 2012, 04:34:02 pm »

Just wanted to add that having a flock of Kerry's myself, they are the most wonderful characters and indeed are the most protective mothers  :D
They do get tame very easily as long as you have the time to spend with them, mine come to call and even though i still havent actually got round to finishing fencing my fields adjoining to the next farm they have never roamed off my property.  I personally think they are not skitty at all, the tups are very bold and curious and will come bounding up to you  ;D  simply put they are 'perfect'.
The surplus lambs that havent made the grade for breeding/showing make lovely meat too  :yum:


  • Joined Jan 2011
  • "Possibilities and miracles mean the same thing"
Re: Kerry Hill's - Opinions
« Reply #22 on: May 13, 2012, 01:26:55 pm »

Hi Karen-Louise,
Welcome to the forum   :wave:
Perhaps you could tell us a bit more about the Kerry hill breed,there are very few about in my area Norfolk.

 I believe they are not classed as a rare breed now so numbers must have increased since we had them.
- and some photographs of your flock  :sheep: :sheep: :sheep: :sheep: :sheep: :sheep: :sheep: would be a real treat.....



  • Joined May 2012
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Re: Kerry Hill's - Opinions
« Reply #23 on: May 15, 2012, 10:39:26 am »
Hi Tilly,
Thankyou so much   :wave:

I think they are still classed as a rare breed at present, most shows don't have a Kerry class but we can compete in the rare breed classes, its rare to see Kerry's at the shows as i usually compete against other native breeds but numbers are definately on the up so maybe we wont be rare for much longer  :thumbsup:

Do you have a special place for pictures on here?  I would love to show off my flock, they are very gorgeous (even if i do say so myself)    ;D


Small Farmer

  • Joined Jan 2012
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Re: Kerry Hill's - Opinions
« Reply #24 on: May 22, 2012, 02:09:39 pm »
There were lots at Builth Wells show and looked very appealing for our purposes (not least because there's a good size flock near us for borrowing rams etc).  However chatting to a couple of owners we were told that they were "sharp" to handle, run fast, jump well and test sheepdogs. 

Off our list!
Being certain just means you haven't got all the facts


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