Hi Melanie, yes getting everything ready here to. Hopefully can give the goats (one BT kid is going too) a wash before Saturday, it is really muddy here but I have tried to let them out as much as possible - Friday's forecast is good!
Re food: I will bring some dairy nuts and rolled oats with me, that's plus lots of freshly cut grass and branches is what they are on here. As soon as horse carrots are available again they will also get those (Cut into longish thin sticks), and hay from September on.
Dairy nuts: Carrs Billington's 18% dairy nuts and just plain rolled oats.
They do get a bit of Allan & Page's All round goat too, but that is very expensive and not really necessary, but I have to have it for the GG's (madams!).
I will be trying to get to Forfar mart on Saturday lunchtime - (it is the SGF autumn show and I am delivering my kid there) - would it be possible for you to come there, and then I can follow you to your place from there? Beth is there with her kid too, and I can load it up there.