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Author Topic: Raising Pigs  (Read 8237 times)


  • Joined Jul 2008
  • Grange by Keith, Banffshire
Raising Pigs
« on: February 03, 2009, 09:00:11 pm »
Hi, we are interested in having a couple of small size pigs to raise.  We have a small holding on a working farm, we live in the old farmhouse, but the 96 acres all around is farmed with livestock, sheep.  We have just under an acre, but we have a reasonable size vege garden and we also have 16 chickens, 5 are going in the pot as they are cockerals.
Having read a few of these posts I need a few questions answered,

1) Will I need planning permission, even though we live on a working farm, where we would like to put them is about 35 yards from the house in a part of the garden that would be my poppy meadow.

2) How much land/area will they need and will they need to be moved around the area.

3) Are they easy to raise and look after.

4) Which would be the best to have, I fancy Tamworths as they seem to be smaller than alot of the breeds.

5) Which would be the best for meat.

6) Do I need a license to look after them or to move them when I buy them.

7) Are they expensive to raise and feed

8) How much does it cost to have them slaughtered and will I need a license to do so.


Always look on the bright side of life, de dum, de dum de dum, de dum!!


  • Joined Jan 2009
  • Isle of Lewis
  • We'll get there!
    • Ravenstar
Re: Raising Pigs
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2009, 11:07:26 pm »
Hi Elaine

will try to help with your questions.

1. Don't think you need planning permission to keep pigs unless you are building a permanent sty (the building may need PP)  You will need a CPH number if you have not got one, and you'll need to contact the animal health dept at your local council to get a herd number.
2. Pigs don't need a huge amount of land, but the smaller the area they have, the more likely they are to try to break out in our experience.  We have kept 3 weaners on a piece of ground 10m x 30m but thet will dig it up for you.
3. Pigs are great fun to keep but you'll get very attatched to them.  Make sure you can let them go to slaughter. Normally you would buy weaners at 8 weeks and slaughter them at 6 months so you only have them 4 months. You need to be there to feed them twice a day but you have poultry so you're there anyway.
4. If you want small pigs, maybe Kune Kune would be good for you. We have not kept them but some friends have them and they are small and delicious! In our experience Tamworths are the worst escape artists in the pig world.
5. I've never tasted anything other tham wonderful home reared pork.  We did find though that Gloucesters tend to run to fat very easily.
6. The person you buy them from should provide a movement licence when they come to you.  You will need to provide one when they go to slaughter.  The slaughter house or local council dept. will be able to advise you.
7. Young pigs need 1lb of food per day for every month of their age so 2 month old weaners need 2lb of feed a day, 5 month olds, 5lb a day...assuming that you will feed them on bought in rations.  You can work out from this how much feed you'll need.  We pay £8-00 a bag (25Kg) here.  Expect to pay £50 or so for 8 week old weaners, and.....
We pay about £25 per pig to have them slaughtered.  You get back a whole, or halved, carcase.  Butchery, if available, is usually extra.

Obviously these are our personal experiences, but I hope they are helpful.

Comfortable B&B on a working Croft on the Isle of Lewis.


  • Joined Oct 2007
Re: Raising Pigs
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2009, 07:29:11 am »
Hi, unless you have a large choice, possibly better to go for whatever breed is local to you.  Pigs with lop ears as opposed to pigs with upright ears are in my opinion easier to handle.  If you have the option go and look at as many breeds as you can (and cross bred too) decide which you like best. 

Again a purely personal opinion I find tamworth x Gloucester Old Spot the tastiest.  Gloucesters the easiest to handle.  Whatever you choose you will be delighted with the results.  pigs are very addictive.  About 6 weeks before sending them off start to look for the replacements, makes it so much easier.

Again purely personal thought - , worm 3 weeks before sending off to abattoir.  HM


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