Yesterday, our group moved our 3 Gloucesters from one garden to another, about 150 yards away. Easy. Not! They are now happily settled in a patch with better draining soil but we did have a few problems along the way. Learning points were:-
1. Make the gate in any enclosure wide enough to get the arc through, otherwise you have to lift it over the fence.
2. Consider putting handles on the arc so that you can pick it up between you, rather than having to roll it Egyptian style with fence posts and scafolding boards, to its new position.
3. Do not, under any circumstances, create a narrow corridor from electric fencing and assume the pigs will walk calmly along it. They will bounce from one side to the other like pinballs, eventually breaking the fencing and escaping into the garden in their panic - and they are no respecters of flowerbeds, believe me!
4. Do it on a day when the temperature is greater than -1C if you dont want to freeze your bits off.