hi ive enjoyed browsing your friendly site and thought id join up to hopefully learn and offer. ive recently leased a very neglected little house that came with 2 acres of very neglected, indeed nigh on invaded land, full of hazel, ash and laurel with trunks a foot thick, bordering 100acres of 300yr old established unkept woodland. perfect! ive a young daughter, one young lurcher, one young maran cockerel whos just finding his voice, a few rir hens and a few more due, 2 hard working rescue'd cats and fish, newts and frogs in the ponds.ive been growing veg for about 6yrs on and off and am mainly self sufficient for veg in season. weve had a very hard winter here, probably due to my isolated position, we had -12 regularly and 16 inches of snow for a month, unheard of in cornwall.
between sharpening my chainsaw to chop down more laurel im slowly restoring the house to a liveable standard and adressing outbuilding and drainage issues, im on clay, we forage loads, the ransoms are up just and i pickle or salt everything i can, u cant beat salted runners! thanks for all the advice so far.d