Our house used to be white Sally, awful white painted concrete render. We stripped it all off back to the original red brick and hoped that it might be less visible, but we are on top of a hill (a small one, being Norfolk!) so I guess still a spotting point. The aircraft come from 4 different bases as far as I'm aware - RAF Marham in Norfolk, RAF Coningsby in Lincs and the USAF bases at Lakenheath and Mildenhall over the border in Suffolk - which might explain why they seem to be here all the time. The aerial acrobatics are quite impressive to those who like watching that sort of thing - they regularly have dogfights overhead, screaming round and round and plummeting out of the sky - but the noise is deafening. If they are overhead while I am outside I literally cannot have a conversation with anyone. Sometimes I have to crouch on the ground with my hands over my ears. The sheep are unbothered by the jets if they are high up, it's when they come screaming past, and as you say, the Chinooks are also quite intimidating although they fly relatively slowly. They are so low I sometimes think they are going to crash into the trees but they just miss them. The pilots must surely be able to see animals panicking beneath them though. I did try a while back to find contact details for one of the bases but didnt get very far.