Hi there, I'm new here, so apologies if this has been covered before. I have a small parcel of green belt land that has 4 stables on it. I purchased it 3 years ago and have put bird and bat boxes up, I have just installed 2 bee hives and I let the locals put grazing horses on there from time to time
I have a tractor, excavator and dumper on it. I also have 2 ex military vehicles 1 winch truck and 1 crane which I use both of on the land as it sometimes gets very wet as it is flood plain. i have received a letter fron the council informing me that some local do-gooder has complained that i am storing ex military vehicles on there and I do not have planning permission for them. As I say, they are used on the land for craning telegraph poles, stillages and the like.
There are 9 similar plots down the track where it is situated all under 5 acres which all have vehicles stored on them and have done for over 30 years and 2 of the plots have even been granted permission and have houses built on them,
Could anybody tell me the best way to go about this please?