Yes we get all our animals back in cuts the way we want it all vac packed, & do them as meat boxes - I get everything back like the bones for the dogs. But I always advise the customer & what its like as there's technically 2 types off mutton - It can be classed as mutton from anything over 12 months old but its also referred to as (Hogget - younger animals), then you've got older animals such as cull ewes & rams.
I was having this discussion with the slaughterman who does our Xmas geese & any home kills for us & he did a lamb for a relative that the abattoir wouldn't accept as it wasn't fit to travel due to an old leg injury - the guy is a trained butcher & slaughterman who used to run his own butchers shop & said the same but he said you've got to be careful how you cook it - younger animals you can treat the same as lamb, but with older animals their better as mince or diced & burgers & sausages or for stewing which can be done on the bone - they'll also be less fattier than lambs. Also remember is sending entire tups send them off after spring as their musky smell can sometimes taint the meat this time of year.
We don't send many off, last year we sent 2 off & this year there's 1 maybe 3 or 4 depending on how the ewes get on with lambing. I don't like culling them out but its a necessary evil, its sods law 1 of them that could be on the list is 1 that loves to come up for a scratch & a fuss & she rears really nice lambs including triplets this year. But we've been having issues with her feet

which I'm trying to solve.