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Author Topic: Caravans on crofts  (Read 4931 times)


  • Joined May 2024
Caravans on crofts
« on: May 28, 2024, 04:58:09 pm »
We've recently taken on the tenancy on MIL's croft (she was owner occupier) but needs to retire. We have planning permission through for our crofthouse build, and are going to live in a mobile home on site while the build takes place. Hopefully, to future proof our caring responsibilities etc, we want to leave the mobile home in place and our architect mention as its a croft it won't then need retrospective planning, as we can have up to 3 mobile homes on site. Does anyone know where I can find this info in crofting guidance?


  • Joined Dec 2022
Re: Caravans on crofts
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2024, 01:20:06 pm »
They may be thinking of this:

"crofters do not require a site license for use of land as a caravan site provided such use falls within the period 1 April to 30 September in any year and in that period there are not more than 3 caravans on the land at any one time"

Which is taken from

It's mentioned quite a few times that 3 caravans are allowed for seasonal workers on a registered croft. I'd assume that prior notification to planning would still be required, like as with a shipping container it's still a change of use no matter that they are portable/temporary.

I've never found mention of this 3 caravan thing for Crofts in any of the legislation or on the Crofting commission's website, but it comes up repeatedly in conversations and attributed to Croft law and the Crofting Commission. Nothing on their website though when you google "caravan" site:


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