I've been googling away and have found that some people seem to use an oxytetracycline injectable antibiotic for chickens, but theres not enough information avaiable for me to work out dosage / type.
I have a bottle of Alamycin LA (which is oxytetracycline), has anyone used something like this to help a sick hen? And if so, how much? I'm confident about doing IM / SC jabs.
I've never had success using the powdered stuff you add to water - by the time they are that ill, the hens don't seem to drink enough, and squirting it down their throats only seems to risk drowning them...
I have a favourite hen who has gone downhill, she is probably on her way out - very thin now and won't stand up. She is about 6 years old - but tough as nails, as she survived both her sides being torn open by an over-eager cockerel six months ago - she bounced back really well despite looking like something from a horror movie. (isolation, TLC, and Engemycin spray). This is something else though - and I'd like to give her a chance at fighting whatever it is off by giving her a shot of anti-bs as I have some Alasmycin in stock anyway....