Yesterday was Jilly's first Gotcha Day, and was also the first time I really felt hopeful that I will get her working sheep under control eventually.

She has come on steadily since we lost Dot; the one-to-one attention has really made a difference.
Jilly's background is 3 years on an Irish farm before being surrendered for rehoming as "unsuitable for work, ran home when shouted at". I figured she was either very sensitive, which I can handle (Dot couldn't work if you got cross with her, so I am used to that), or was uncontrollable and hence was
really shouted at. Latter not ideal, but frankly our sheep come to call and my dogs are 90% pet / walking companions these days, so it wouldn't be the end of the world if she didn't work, for whichever reason.
The English rescue lady (Border Collie Spot - experts in matching collies to homes) thought it most likely the former reason, as Gill (Jilly's original name) was nervy in kennels. The farmer was known to the Irish charity, who said he didn't ill treat his dogs but would surrender to them for rehoming any which didn't cut it as working dogs.
Took Jilly for walk around the farm when I got her home, and as soon as we saw sheep it was clear why the farmer had shouted at her...

Well it's been (and still is) a bit of a journey...

But I wouldn't be without her, and we are getting there, just slooooowwwwwwlllllyyyy.....
(I will write more, a LOT more, if given the slightest encouragement... You have been warned!
