Sorry to bring this up yet again, but...
Searching previous threads, I see quite a few recommendations for Chicken Guard, but stipulating the fox proof version and something about wood or metal that I didn't quite follow. And a few posts that were not as positive about them.
One or two fans of the Omlet ones and quite a few said they were going to try them, so there may be new info on those.
We all used to rave about the VSB ones but I assume that Brexit means they don't export to here (from Germany) any more?
And what do people find the best :
- timer for close and open
- light sensitive for close and open
- light sensitive for close, timer for open
- timer for close, light sensitive for open
- something else (please say what!)
Our chicken run is huge and supposedly fox proof, but we recently had the fox decimate the flock after we had neglected to control overhanging foliage for a few years. So now, as well as trimming back the encroaching forest, we just want to do belt and braces!