hi guys i would like to ask any ones advise i breed poultry to sell at auctions and have been for quite a few years
this year i bought
i brinsea 190 incubator and got it running 3 times threw the year my last hatch being around late august.
form that hatch i got around 70 hatched
they fully feathers and seemed quite chipper but in the last week when i picked one up i realised it was extremly lite in weigh and it wasent till
i picked a few more up i realsed they were very light and well so much so there breast bone was sticking out like a razor blade i carnt understand
this when they have been getting plenty of feed and water.
after around 8/9 weeks in my broodry shed i took them down the field (as they were starting to feather pick each other) to a bigger hut i put them in for a couple of days and then opened the hatch
so they could run around they were fine untill some got under the fencne and jumped in a large barrle of water and drown

i also killed the cockerals which was around 25/30 the young birds were fine running outside until the rain came and the pen was really muddy so bad they were starting to get down
so i brought them back down the broody shed and back under the lamp.
after a couple of days i lost around 8 and the rest seemed to perked up again but still extremly light and when they were eating they seemed to be opening there mounth like a cockerla does when it crows any way i took them back down the feild into a large grass pen and let them run out hoping they would be aright as to my disspointment when i went down the field the today day there was 25 laying dead
i also seemed to have a few that had swoolen eys aswell as gasping
any advise