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Author Topic: Looking for the right home for Zac  (Read 1876 times)

Bill Mumford

  • Joined Oct 2018
Looking for the right home for Zac
« on: October 24, 2018, 08:29:26 am »
Dear Small Holders

Rosemary has kindly suggested that I write a post to ask for help.  I am looking for the right home and place to rehouse my nervy collie.  He is 2 1/2 and been with me for over a year and I got him from a local animal shelter.  Prior to that I believe he was a family pet from puppy but I don’t know any more details.
He is sweet natured, gentle, bright, good with people and likes dogs.  Sadly he has a debilitating traffic phobia which, despite a lot of trying, I have been unable to overcome.  Noise and sight of cars etc, close by or far away, will cause him considerable fear and his instinct is to bolt.  He won’t eat, go to the toilet etc when anxious.  We live in a quite village in Cumbria and find it hard to find safe places for him to walk and explore. 
His ideal home will be with a caring owner/s, a large safe paddock or small holding and other dogs for company.  He is ok with the sound of occasional cars if in a safe space but would be constantly fearful if there was a constant sound from a busy road in the vicinity.
He is a lovely dog and will thrive in the right environment.  It breaks my heart to rehome him but I know it is for the best.

Thank you for reading.

Bill Mumford
[email protected]
01768 88700
07467 513656


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