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Author Topic: Is this normal or what....  (Read 2748 times)


  • Joined Jul 2010
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Is this normal or what....
« on: March 10, 2012, 08:49:27 pm »
I have two ewes that lambed just over a week ago - the last of the six girls to lamb. They both have twins. Shaggy's are one day older than Herdy's right from the start Shaggy butted the hurdle between their pens - I just thought she was being protective over HER lambs.  I let them out into the paddock together (smallish but kept just for turning out new lambs just for a couple of hours at the start).  The others are out in another field.

  To start with they kept their babies close to them -  at either end of the paddock, after three days and the little ones where feeling their feet they obviously wanted to play together, but Shaggy butted one of Herdy's lambs and knocked it flying. Luckily I saw it happen and shouted at her - she went off with her lambs to the other end.  I thought Herdy would have had ago at her but she didn't.  Typical lamb like they still tried to play together but if her lambs got close to the others she was off and butting Herdy's lambs - and she meant it...I put hurdles across and separated them. 

 I let them out into a bigger paddock today giving them more room, to start with she was okay and the lambs charged about together, then suddenly her two ran up to Herdy and her lambs and Shaggy was across the paddock like a jet she butted one of the lambs again -hard. (They are quite tiny against hers even though Herdy (a Herdwick) is quite big up against Shaggy (Think she maybe a Clun))

I was so cross with her that I put her out with the others whose lambs (7) where a month older, but she did nothing accepting that the other lambs where all around her - the lambs play together and it's not a problem - no butting....

I brought them all back in tonight and put both Herdy and her into their pens next to each other and she immediately sniffed Herdy's lambs between the hurdle bars and then kept butting the bars.

They normally all get on together Herdy's the 'main' boss and Shaggy is down the pecking order, though Herdy always good with Shaggy and lets her eat alongside of her.  She didn't mind Shaggy's lambs either no pushing them away.

Is this normal - I'm sure if I hadn't kept them separated  she would kill them given half a chance. 

Any suggestions as to why she is acting like this and what should I do about it.
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  • Joined Oct 2007
  • Barry, Angus, Scotland
    • The Accidental Smallholder
Re: Is this normal or what....
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2012, 08:53:37 pm »
I've had ewes thump other ewes' lambs. The lambs soon learn to keep out of the way.


  • Joined May 2010
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Re: Is this normal or what....
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2012, 09:43:13 pm »
I have had a lamb killed by other ewes - Jacobs.  I wouldn't pen them side-by-side at night. You could put a solid divider in if those are the only pens available, so she isn't constantly at them.  I suspect it is a dominance thing.  Can you keep them in separate paddocks in the day until the lambs are bigger?
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  • Joined Jan 2010
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Re: Is this normal or what....
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2012, 07:38:51 am »
I think its 'normal' - we've had allsorts happen.  One of my ewes had twins this year and she was so defensive of them she managed to crush one of her own lambs trying to protect it in the corner.

I would imagine its just an extreme maternal instinct - lambs often try and sneak approach upto other mums for a sneaky milk snack. But mum want all her milk for her own lambies.


  • Joined Oct 2007
  • Barry, Angus, Scotland
    • The Accidental Smallholder
Re: Is this normal or what....
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2012, 08:59:54 am »
The ewe we had last year that was knocking other lambs around was a first time lamber and has super defensive - she'd chase our dogs right out the field  ;D


  • Joined Jul 2010
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Re: Is this normal or what....
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2012, 09:05:48 pm »
I have separated them in to differnet paddocks and to keep Herdy company I have moved her daughter and her twins in with her - herdy's lambs were very suspicious of the new 'friends' and kept tight to mum  just in case they were going to get butted...but as the day has gone on they have become bolder and by this evening they are not so cautious and had a little run round together.

Shaggy is in with the others (free to roam in or out of the barn) so not the pen next door.  Though she was a bit put out when she found Ramsey (Herdy's daughter) in there...  She looked at me as much to say "this is my pen" I told her if she had been nicer to Herdy's lambs she would still have been using it.

As you say hopefully when all the lambs are a bit bigger they will all get on okay.
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