Smallholders Insurance from Greenlands

Author Topic: Pig gone off food  (Read 8122 times)

Stevie G

  • Joined Jul 2010
Re: Pig gone off food
« Reply #15 on: January 14, 2012, 12:41:23 pm »
a local pig farmer near us has lost alot recently to pneumonia so its a conversation iv recently had, i was told that its contagious, same with cattle, cos when one gets it, it whips thru all of them in the same shed.
is it contagious with cattle? or are they just kept in identical conditions.
what do u inject? penicillin?
is it the same conditions that cause it in pigs as cattle?

If your piggery/pigs are Pneumonia free then this problem can occur but most piggeries/pigs are not?
If that is the case then his immediate response sholud be infeed medication.
He should also start a vaccination programm ie Stella immune one with piglets at weaning, gilts vacciated and sows at weaning.
Penicillin does work as a general rule, especially if treat is early. There are plenty of other drug available as well ie OTC,CTC, Tiamulin, etc.
And, as Robert states, any mixing at any age can cause problems, but if that happens then removing  the pig from the situation is the best policy, sooner rather than later.
And once the pig is isolated  and yet is not recovering, then medication should be another consideration, as bullying and lack of feed and water may not be the only reason for its lack of recovery.
Unfortately in this case scenario, time was not permitting, but that comes down to more immediate action needed to be taken.
The mixing of pig is always an option, even though nit always ideal, and if plan a does not work, then plan b should be adopted.
My point is that the loss of this pig is not solely down to mixing at a different age.
If you like, learn from this mishap. :wave: :thumbsup:

« Last Edit: January 14, 2012, 12:58:09 pm by Stevie G »


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