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Author Topic: 10 Things About.......  (Read 3969 times)

Wee Eck

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10 Things About.......
« on: June 18, 2013, 01:07:57 pm »
I was reading through some of my old Football Programmes and I came across this feature which I really enjoyed reading about the different players likes & dislikes.It was sometimes an interesting insight into their home life.

I thought it would be worth a try on TAS to see if some members would take part...Ok here goes

1. Who would you say was the most influential person in your life and why..?

2. Favourite book you have read ...?

3.   What is your favourite food....?

4.    Favourite Tipple.....?

5.   Tea, coffee or neither

6.  Any phobias...?

7.  What annoys you most in life...?

8.  Who was your first crush for...?

9.   Favourite holiday destination....?

10.  What 5 items would you grab in an emergency.....?

                    Eck  :thinking:

Wee Eck

  • Joined Jun 2013
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Re: 10 Things About.......
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2013, 01:27:11 pm »
OK...I will go first

1....My Dad....He taught me how to treat people fairly and also recognise that we are all equals irrespective of our skin colour , religion or race...( All Jock Tamsons Bairns !!!)

2.    Antonia Fraser...Mary Queen of Scots.....Love history particularly the Stuarts and especially Mary, Antonia's book was by far the best I have read

3.   Steak Pie.....Yummeeee

4.    Glayva

5.    Coffee

6.   Bl***y  Spiders, I am scared stiff of them

7.   Rude people.....they can ruin your whole day

8.  Wilma Morrison...I was 10 and she was gorgeous

9.    Wester Ross...Annie & I went there with our dogs a few years back, the scenery was breathtaking and I don't think I have ever felt as relaxed as I did up there.

10.   Annie
        My mobile
        My dogs, cats & chickens ( I know you said 5 things but I ALWAYS cheat  :innocent: )
        My Dad's War medals...It took me 2 years to get them so no way I could leave them behind
        My watch...I hate being without a watch     


  • Joined Jan 2013
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Re: 10 Things About.......
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2013, 01:44:04 pm »
1. Who would you say was the most influential person in your life and why..?

Well, I think I am actually quite insular and not easy influenced by others and have pretty much made my life myself, however, if there is one person who's opinion and ideals I respect more than any other it would be my husband  :bouquet:

2. Favourite book you have read ...?

I always have a book on the go and my favourite author is Terry Pratchett but my favourite book has got to be Pride and Prejudice! I know, I know... :P

3.   What is your favourite food....?

Duck Pancakes - Divine. I made an awesome sandwich for lunch today which was lettuce, cucumber and leftover shredded beef which i covered in hoi sin sauce... omg, it was orgasmic!

4.    Favourite Tipple.....?

I don't really drink much but I do love a Pimm's!!

5.   Tea, coffee or neither

Coffee usually, although I do love a cup o' char!

6.  Any phobias...?

Big spiders. And as much as i love the ocean flora and fauna, swimming in the sea terrifies me, its that you can't see what is underneath you - JAWS! yikes!

7.  What annoys you most in life...?

Lots of things! I'm quite intolerant (but i'm nice - honest!) and seeing parents smoking in cars/giving 3 year olds coke all the time and generally complaining about their riotous kids who haven't seen a bit of discipline in their lives annoys the hell out of me.

8.  Who was your first crush for...?

Stephen Gately (Boyzone)

9.   Favourite holiday destination....?

I love France

10.  What 5 items would you grab in an emergency.....?

My kids
my kindle
my grandads copy of Dawin's origin of species from 1986
my kids favourite cuddly toys
my wedding ring


  • Joined Oct 2009
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2013, 02:07:50 pm »
1) Jack Hargreaves . My whole way of life stems from him .

2) Cottage Economy by William Cobbett .

3) Pie and mash .

4) i don't drink .

5) Either .

6) Heights .

7) Corruption within the system .

8) Petula Clark .

9) Don't do holidays .

10) Dogs and pictures , anything else i can get or make again .


  • Joined Apr 2013
Re: 10 Things About.......
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2013, 02:19:04 pm »
1. Who would you say was the most influential person in your life and why..?
Previous boss called Richard Smith - true entrepreneur - I saw him as clever and fearless in business. ( he wasnt)

2. Favourite book you have read ...?
Childhood book called the little grey men about a group of elves who 'borrow' a toy boat and toddle off down the river in search of their friend.

3.   What is your favourite food....?
Lasagne and for pud.......  more lasagne

4.    Favourite Tipple.....?
Tee total ... sorry

5.   Tea, coffee or neither
Tea 99% of the time then the odd coffee here and there.

6.  Any phobias...?
Enclosed spaces - cant watch potholing or underground caving on tv

7.  What annoys you most in life...?
Everybody who cant read my mind to instantly know what i want.

8.  Who was your first crush for...?
Gorgeous young lady called Grace Wilkinson - i was 12-13 and threw chewing gum in her mates hair to try to speak to Grace on her own.

9.   Favourite holiday destination....?
Anywhere - it's been so long I cant remember where i've been thats nice.

10.  What 5 items would you grab in an emergency.....?
Laptop /Phone /some teabags/car keys/cash

If you cant beat 'em then at least bugger 'em about a bit.


  • Joined Jan 2012
Re: 10 Things About.......
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2013, 03:46:00 pm »
. Who would you say was the most influential person in your life and why..?

1. My aunty, my fathers sister, she could do anything and everything really well, cook, sew, not just ordinary sewing but tailoring,  garden, she grew her own veg, had a stunning and pretty big garden with perfect lawns and she had a keen interest in wild life, wild flowers and birds, trees etc and always appeared happy and  had a great sense of humor..

2. Favourite book you have read ...?
I do not read much but without sounding stupid or boasting, my cousins book about living with and "marrying," an inuit princess, Nunaga: Ten Years Among the Eskimos by Duncan Pryde,  before I read that it has to be Black Beauty

3.   What is your favourite food....?
Fresh Salmon with salad or Lamb roast dinner...treacle pud and custard too :innocent:

4.    Favourite Tipple.....?
Without a doubt Whiskey

5.   Tea, coffee or neither

6.  Any phobias...?
Heights and snakes.....otherwise none

7.  What annoys you most in life...?
racist, sexist or any predudice people.

8.  Who was your first crush for...?
The local Drs son when I was about 7....he showed me his willy...went off him after I shall have to try to remember his name...famouse crush was Liberace :innocent:

9.   Favourite holiday destination....?Egypt but I would love to go all around India

10.  What 5 items would you grab in an emergency
my husband
the dogs
nothing else bothers me, my pictures and photos are on the internet, although I am rather attatched to my I pad!


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Re: 10 Things About.......
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2013, 04:35:45 pm »
1. Who would you say was the most influential person in your life and why..?

My Dad  :) Born with nothing in the East End of London he left school and was told he'd amount to nothing. Worked all the hours he could so he could go to night school. Took up an apprenticeship in an engineering company. By the time I was 17 he was a self made millionaire but has never forgotten his roots. After his divorce he was left with 'not a lot' and is happier now he has found the value in all but money I think.

2. Favourite book you have read ...?

Howards' End. Read it for A-Level English and the way a character saw houses as having their own persona is something that has stayed with me  :)

3.   What is your favourite food....?

hunters chicken  ;D

4.    Favourite Tipple.....?

Southern Comfort

5.   Tea, coffee or neither

6.  Any phobias...?
Woodlice and post offices

7.  What annoys you most in life...?
All the isms' - racism, sexism, as well as homophobia and 'lets have a dig at the travellers'.

8.  Who was your first crush for...?
Jamie Bird, we were 4. He showed me how to play on the concrete train in the school playground which I assume has now been removed, surprised no kids cracked their heads open worse than they did on that thing.

9.   Favourite holiday destination....?

10.  What 5 items would you grab in an emergency.....?
4 children and my phone!
Smallholding in Worcestershire, making goats milk soap for and mum to 4 girls,  goats, sheep, chickens, dog, cat and garden snails...


  • Joined Sep 2012
Re: 10 Things About.......
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2013, 04:53:46 pm »
1. Probably spike Milligan
2. The wasp factory
3. Trifle
4. Red wine
5. Coffee - but only proper coffee from an espresso machine
6. Injections & heights, and I'm terrified of the unknown
7. The daily mail
8. Her name was Lisa
9. Scotland, west coast, ardnamurchan
10. 4 dogs & some dog food

john and helen

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Re: 10 Things About.......
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2013, 04:57:32 pm »
1. Who would you say was the most influential person in your life and why..? my mums oldest sister who i called nan..she was one of life's treasures

2. Favourite book you have read ...? a book on survival

3.   What is your favourite food....?... liver bacon mash with sprouts and onion rings

4.    Favourite Tipple.....? Red wine

5.   Tea, coffee or neither... good coffee or it has to be tea

6.  Any phobias...?.. none really..well apart from the ex wife

7.  What annoys you most in life...? being late

8.  Who was your first crush for...? carol pritchard....  :love: we where 9

9.   Favourite holiday destination....? France, or any mountain range

10.  What 5 items would you grab in an emergency.....? fags,.... bottle of Red ....the dog... guns and fishing rods


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Re: 10 Things About.......
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2013, 09:40:57 pm »
1. Jack Black - not the actor! The bloke who came up with Mindstore. Saw him in Glasgow in 199blah.

2. Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson

3. A quality burger, blue cheese, bacon, nice bun

4. Champagne

5. Either

6. Nope

7. Dumbing down

8. Well, there was this one underwear model in the Grattan catalogue...  :o

9. Hebridean Princess

10. Wife, child, dogs, cats, iMac
« Last Edit: June 18, 2013, 09:42:48 pm by Dan »


  • Joined Oct 2007
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Re: 10 Things About.......
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2013, 01:43:37 pm »
1. Who would you say was the most influential person in your life and why..?
Dan has certainly had a huge influence on me - all to the good, I think. My daughter also has changed me for the better.

2. Favourite book you have read ...?
Hard one. "Gone with the Wind", "Black Beauty" (first novel I ever read, it was a Sunday School prize). Often the last one - I have a very short memory  ;)

3.   What is your favourite food....?
Ooh, these ARE hard. Chocolate, probably, good quality milk or 70% dark.

4.    Favourite Tipple.....?
Champagne, definitely. If I won the lottery, I'd drink it every day. For medicinal purposes.

5.   Tea, coffee or neither
Tea - real tea, not ponsy fruit tea. Or chai tea - yuk, what's that all about :P

6.  Any phobias...?
No phobias, but I have vertigo so heights aren't good for me.

7.  What annoys you most in life...?
My own shortcomings mostly.

8.  Who was your first crush for...?
Barry Thomson. He was gorgeous. I was about seven and he was the local grocer's son - he was about 12 maybe. I can remember being sent to the shop for something and being unable to speak because he was there. I met him again when I was in my late 20s and still blushed  ;D

9.   Favourite holiday destination....?
Anywhere the Hebridean Princess is going or the Wild West

10.  What 5 items would you grab in an emergency.....?
Excluding live things, like Dan, Lorna and our pets, my Macbook, my iPhone (see, hi-tec), my diary, my address book (not so hi-tec) and my cattle passports.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2013, 01:45:50 pm by Rosemary »

Lesley Silvester

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Re: 10 Things About.......
« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2013, 07:02:44 pm »
1. Who would you say was the most influential person in your life and why..?
My husband because he showed me that I'm not the rubbish nobody that my ex had made me feel like. Before that, my dad who was severely disabled with rheumatoid arthritis (he died of it aged 55) so when I feel sorry for myself now I have it, I remember how he dealt with it.

2. Favourite book you have read ...?

More than I can ever remember.

3.   What is your favourite food....?

Hmmm. I have problems eating quite a lot of stuff but, if I could eat anything, fresh cream cakes would be right near the top of the list, cheeses.

4.    Favourite Tipple.....?
Champagne followed by brandy and red wine.

5.   Tea, coffee or neither
I mostly drink water, either hot or cold, but will have the occasional very strong filter coffee or hot chocolate (with cream and marshmallow)

6.  Any phobias...?

Spiders are a big phobia but also phobic about falling as in I don't mind being up high so long as the is a wall or railing between me and the drop or something to hold onto. I'm also claustrophobic.

7.  What annoys you most in life...?

Discrimination is guaranteed to make me mad. In fact, just thinking about it makrs my blood pressure rise.

8.  Who was your first crush for...?
Hil name was Bill. I was about 12 and he let me have a ride on his horse. He led the horse round the lane while chatting to his mate and ignoring me completely but I was convinced I was in love with him. I even wrote a song about him.

9.   Favourite holiday destination....?
Lochranza, Isle of Arran. I lived there for 11 years and still love to go back. It's the most beautiful place I have ever seen.

10.  What 5 items would you grab in an emergency.....?

Apart from my OH and the animals, my old bible, my laptop, memory stick, photos and mobile phone.


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Re: 10 Things About.......
« Reply #12 on: June 20, 2013, 07:37:28 pm »
1 The most influential person in my life was Mum, I sought her advice and approval all my life,miss her greatly
 and I enjoy
2 Black Beauty followed by Wind in the Willows. Childrens books should be reread as an adult you can get so much from them that didn't sink in as a child.

3 Toad in the hole but only if I make it.

4 Amaretto though not much of a drinker and never have been (gives me heartburn these days)

5 Either not overly fussy. I like a pot of Earl Grey if I am stressed as the aroma I find relaxing and I enjoy a coffee made from my Dolce Gusto machine but whatever it is I drink it has to be from china cup or mug, hate pots.

6 Heights and Daddy Long Legs (I take care of the spiders Eck does the DDL's)

7 intolerance of others beliefs

8 Bernard Delaney , my best pal and I did everything together so we both had a crush on him - that was ok because neither of us stood a chance anyway :roflanim:

9 Not a person that dreams about holidays, too many pets to make that easy anyway but a long weekend would be appreciated now and again . I love the West side of Scotland, West Wales and Devon.

10 Nurofen , Immodium , Deep Heat Rub, Settlers and a sticky I am not a hypochondriac (sp)  :roflanim:


  • Joined Jan 2012
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Re: 10 Things About.......
« Reply #13 on: June 21, 2013, 09:06:59 am »

1. Who would you say was the most influential person in your life and why..?
My Nan & Grandad because they raised me

2. Favourite book you have read ...?
The hobbit

3.   What is your favourite food....?

4.    Favourite Tipple.....?

5.   Tea, coffee or neither

6.  Any phobias...?

7.  What annoys you most in life...?
Children, red tape, Health & safety 

8.  Who was your first crush for...?
Joe Elliot from def leopard ( long hair dose it for me every time :eyelashes: )

9.   Favourite holiday destination....?
Where I live

10.  What 5 items would you grab in an emergency.....?

Dog, chickens, some of my rock collection, some of my knife collection :eyelashes:  and credit card. ( oops forgot other half ........ Never mind :innocent: )



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