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Author Topic: Sunflowers for seeds?  (Read 10449 times)

Bright Raven

  • Joined May 2010
  • North Shropshire
Re: Sunflowers for seeds?
« Reply #15 on: January 24, 2011, 08:08:54 pm »
Could be a tool for my essentials wish list Russ, I imagined it would be so much more complex! Thanks for the info, I have emailed Rajkumar to find out more.
Julia xxx 3 acres and a day job!!!! Chickens, Turkeys, Sheep, Pigs, Veggies and Homebrew. Husband, son, pets, chutney and music.
If I am here it's because I am putting my feet up!


  • Joined Oct 2009
Re: Sunflowers for seeds?
« Reply #16 on: January 24, 2011, 08:52:06 pm »
no problem BR ,
     Rajkumar also do much bigger presses as well , so for anyone wanting to process much more oil , there is the equipment to do so . I think Some very heavy duty electric presses start from under £800 , so you would need to process a lot of seed/oil , but if you were growing a few acres for fuel then it would pay for itself in a very short time indeed, especially as fuel is likely to go over £8 a gallon by the summer.

So if 1 acre of land can harvest 2 ton of seed and you extract the oil (30% ) from that, you get ;

 2 tons of seed     = 4480lb
 30% of 4480        =  1344lb
 1344lb of oil         =  158 gallons @ 8.5lb a gallon
 1 gallon fuel         =  £8
 158 gallons of fuel = £1264

Therefore you would not only get back the £800 the press cost , but save another £464 just by sowing an acre.
If you use 10 gallons of fuel a week , thats 520 a year , so about 3.5 acres would grow all your fuel , and give you over 4 ton of cake for animal feed as well as saving you £4,160 on fuel .




  • Joined Mar 2011
Re: Sunflowers for seeds?
« Reply #17 on: March 07, 2011, 12:59:31 pm »

I'm just looking at picking seeds for next year's growing, and we want to grow sunflowers.  LOTS of sunflowers!  Basically we want them for the seeds.  Can anyone recommend any particular variety that's good for seed production?  (They're not something I've ever grown before so I'm afraid I know nothing about them except they get tall!) 

Thank you!

I have a dwarf variety in at present that only grows to 18 inches tall.    they have not flowered as yet and I have them growing in a wooden box under a window.  I am so excited at what they might be like.


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