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Author Topic: Basic Butchery Course  (Read 21149 times)


  • Joined Jun 2008
Basic Butchery Course
« on: June 16, 2008, 09:08:48 pm »
I live in the North West of England and anticipate moving to Devon sometime in the next 12-15 months to live on my brother-in-laws farm.
I will then be raising my own pigs and lamb for home comsumption.
What I am looking for is a basic butchery course that will give me sufficient skills to butcher the carcasses after their return to me from the slaughterhouse.
Does anyone know of any providers of a 'basic butchery course'? preferably in the North West, although I am willing to travel.
In anticipation of all your informative replies, I thank you all!



  • Joined Oct 2007
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Re: Basic Butchery Course
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2008, 04:23:27 pm »
The Devon Association of Smallholders (DASH) run all sorts of courses for its members. They have done butchery in the past, although there doesn't appear to be one organised at present. The training officer is Kate Hobbs and the e-mail is [email protected]

Having just butchered two pigs, I have a newfound respect for butchers!


  • Joined Oct 2007
Re: Basic Butchery Course
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2008, 12:24:00 pm »
oh so I wish there was something like this in France. Had a number of a chap who ran courses on smallholding topics, but he seems to have disappeared, anyone else in France interested in courses? I am happy to explore the idea if there is enough of us to get together, maybe someone in France could offer a venue, and I will find a tutor?
Ideas welcomed



  • Joined Jun 2008
Re: Basic Butchery Course
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2008, 05:04:33 pm »
Thanks for that information Malc, I will get in touch with the lady in the near future.
Best wishes to you, Bill.


  • Joined Jul 2008
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Re: Basic Butchery Course
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2008, 09:14:34 pm »
Sorry to hijack this on BillBob, but Carole - yes, I'm in France (dept 79) and am also very interested if there are courses in France.

BillBob - I have bought a couple of books from Amazon about basic butchering etc but having watched a local farmer home slaughter our pigs for the past 2 years and then reading the books, there is a huge difference.

Not so much from the butchering perspective, but getting the live animal to carcass stage requires a lot more effort and equipment than you'd think.



  • Joined Feb 2009
Re: Basic Butchery Course
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2009, 11:01:15 pm »
What I am looking for is a basic butchery course that will give me sufficient skills to butcher the carcasses after their return to me from the slaughterhouse.


The River Cottage online Pig and Pork course will give you all you need for a basic understanding for £20:

Surprisingly the production sometimes lets it down but the information is there.

For generally applicable butchery tips, there's an excellent series from The Hunting Life on youtube showing how to butcher a roe deer:


  • Joined Jan 2009
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Re: Basic Butchery Course
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2009, 11:39:17 pm »
There are some great video clips showing all the cuts from all animals at
Check them out if you are interested in learning butchery.

Comfortable B&B on a working Croft on the Isle of Lewis.


  • Joined Oct 2007
Re: Basic Butchery Course
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2009, 05:55:31 pm »
This would be a great idea for LACIF must be loads of people who would like to learn how to butcher a pig or a sheep.


  • Joined Oct 2007
Re: Basic Butchery Course
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2009, 11:20:16 am »

To all living in France, and others who may be interested LACEF has arranged some courses on butchery.

June 13th in dept 56 a butchery demonstartion of a pig
November also in dept 56 curing demonstation

Please visit the diary section at for more details and how to join

There will be other practical events orgainised too which will include other aspects of smallholding.



  • Joined Oct 2007
Re: Basic Butchery Course
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2009, 11:13:01 am »
Carole can non members pay a fee and come as well?


  • Joined Oct 2008
  • Normandy, France
Re: Basic Butchery Course
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2009, 03:10:23 pm »
Yes HM non members can come along for a small fee.  I think the demo should be really interesting for everyone.

At the Easter Saturday event there will be a demonstration of how to process a chicken, and also a taster of the curing process.  There will be a chance to watch the process of curing bacon and win some to take home to finish off yourselves!  If any one is iterested please come along.  There will be lots for everyone including an Easter egg hunt and an Easter bonnet competition for the kids.

Again details can be found on the diary section of the website

Kate  :pig:
Bonjour et avoir un bon jour !


  • Joined Oct 2007
Re: Basic Butchery Course
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2009, 08:57:36 am »
Thanks Kate, will put it in the diary.


  • Joined Jan 2009
Re: Basic Butchery Course
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2009, 01:03:26 pm »
My husband did the course with Hugh FW and found it useful but not very "hands on".  However, it does then give you permanent access to the online course which is good for reminding you where to start cutting!  He then spent a morning with our very helpful local butcher and his team, which was definately very good so might be worth asking if you know your butcher well.


  • Joined Aug 2009
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Re: Basic Butchery Course
« Reply #13 on: August 14, 2009, 08:04:50 am »
If you are going to do your own butchery as I did on my lambs, then get the correct kit, professional quality knives, steel (most important), good weight cleaver, saws, whetstone, vac packer.
Its not that difficult but to butcher to a good standard you must have the right kit.
I also think that a proper block - I bought a combination block and food grade plastic table, none of this is cheap.
Also if you are intending to give away or sell then dont forget to check with your local Environmental Health Officer - ours was very helpful - after all if we get things right first time his life is easier.


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