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Sally, thank you very much for your suggestion of putting lime down in the communal areas.

I had half a bag left after using in my lambing pens and have spread it in the main communal and congregating areas. It has certainly cut down on the frequency of foot problems I've been getting.
Have you tried offering him some ivy? My sheep love eating it and it acts as a tonic and appetite stimulant.
Announcements / New diary post: Magpies / Stumpery / Dottie
« Last post by TAS Bot on Today at 08:56:33 am »
A new TAS diary entry has been posted: Magpies / Stumpery / Dottie
Introduce yourself / Hello from North West Highlands
« Last post by Libertinedreamer on Today at 07:35:23 am »

Own a 70 acre Croft in the North West Highlands…only recently purchased.

Looking to start a small dairy and be self sufficient in food.
Introduce yourself / Re: Hello from West Wales
« Last post by Rosemary on Today at 05:45:54 am »
Welcome to TAS, Hambo. Great work you'e doing there  :bouquet:
Introduce yourself / Re: Hello from West Wales
« Last post by SallyintNorth on June 02, 2024, 10:38:33 am »
That sounds fabulous, @Hambo!  Are you doing it on your own?  Yes, a lot of work.

I'd love to hear more about the oats, I WWOOFed on a farm in Wales that grew oats which it used to feed the cattle, pigs and chickens, and I've always wondered if oats would do well here in North Cornwall.  (Similar terrain and climate albeit less deep cold in winter - clay, wet and muddy in winter, ground apparently suited on,y to grasses and sedges really.)
Sheep / Re: Topping up lambs
« Last post by Richmond on May 31, 2024, 08:42:04 am »
Thanks. I think the lack of success is down to a combination of things really. The ewe is wary, the lambs are lively and would still prefer to suckle from mum than a bottle. Mum gives little bleats constantly while we are trying to tempt the lambs and they immediately run over to her. It's also been abysmal weather, pretty much pouring without let up so not ideal for patiently trying to feed lambs. We'll keep plodding on.

There's currently a boat in our barn and nobody has yet told me I need to apply for a change of use.

I think there are a lot of boats in barns around the countryside!  lol.  When I arrived at Trelay, we stored my fleece stash in one of the boats stored in our big barn...   :excited: :sheep: :spin: :knit:

Beware!  I stored a fleece stash inside a Landrover many years ago.  When I came to check it, the rats had moved in and destroyed the interior of the vehicle as well as ruining the fleeces.
Sheep / Re: Topping up lambs
« Last post by SallyintNorth on May 30, 2024, 10:13:45 pm »
I'm quite surprised actually.  Usually after they've been topped up for a couple of days indoors while Mum got sorted, they're running to you shouting (whether they see the bottle or not  ::)), and that transfers to the field without problem, especially if you teach them a "bottle's here" call. 

We sometimes use a pen-within-a-pen setup for wary mums with littles that need something doing.  Big outer  pen, smaller pen (eg just a hurdle across the corner) well inside, where the lambs can be held while getting sorted.  Bucket of something nice, or a scatter of something nice, for the ewe. Get them all in the big pen, then while mum is eating take a lamb into the small pen, sort it, swap for 2nd lamb, sort that, bit more treats for mum, put 'em all out.  Do not catch or handle the ewe, so she builds confidence that she won't be messed with, it's all about getting a feed.  Try to not have lambs screaming for mum, and if they need catching, try to do it swiftly and quietly so there isn't a lot of panic and adrenaline for the ewe to avoid repeating.  (Eg., use your body and your crook to quietly steer the lambs behind the hurdle, then swing it shut, rather than chasing them about the larger pen trying to catch them round the neck with your crook, or by the leg.)

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