
Review of The Silly Seasons DVD

Here at TAS, we are fairly regularly invited by publishers to review books on smallholding and related topics but for the first time, we’ve been asked to review a DVD.

Mr HollowayProduced by Sunmakers and New Slapstick Films, “The Silly Seasons” follows Mr Holloway – “the silliest gardener in history” – as he plants, sows, nurtures, harvests and eats produce from his lovely walled garden.

Lasting 65 minutes, it’s divided into four parts following from winter through spring, summer and autumn and culminating in the Christmas festivities.

If you like slapstick (I do), you’ll love this film. There’s no dialogue except a voice over but Mr Holloway’s expression says it all. Of course, the appeal of slapstick, for me at least, is a) the anticipation – you KNOW what’s going to happen and b) the fact that you’ve done these things yourself.

Mr Holloway has some trouble with canesMr Holloway has some trouble with canes - look familiar?!

There’s one scene where the hapless Mr H is trying to get through a gate with a pile of canes and a plank, when he should take one or the other – that’s me! More haste, less speed, of course. The DVD box carries a warning that the slapstick moments shouldn’t be repeated at home. If only! :-)

We don’t have small children but it’s definitely a DVD that would appeal to small children and to big kids who like slapstick comedy simply as entertainment, and it’s also a really nice way to get children talking about gardening, growing and the seasons.

So during the winter months when you can’t get out in YOUR garden, you can get your gardening fix plus a good belly laugh with Mr Holloway.

The Silly Seasons DVD is available to buy online from the Newslapstick website


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