hello everyone,
regarding comfrey and the pigs not eating it....I grow comfrey and feed it to my horses who love it . You have to cut it and let it wilt for an hour or two though as the hairs on it, that can make some people itch a bit, put off some animals from eating it. Once it has wilted for an hour or so the horses really go for it big time and it really makes thier coats shine. I think pigs are the same , they hate the hairs, but otherwise they will eat it very well. You may have to ease it into thier diet though .
On the subject of it being poisonous, tests have been done that show it would take an average bloke drinking 40 cups of comfrey tea a day for more than a lifetime , to get any ill effects from it . In other words he would die of old age before the comfrey got to him . No real proof that it is very harmful has been put forward as yet. It is one of those things , if you are worried about it , don't eat it , put it on the compost heap . But it is a very good protein source for stock feed ,and will supply huge amounts if cut again and again, 5 times a year easily. I am at present , still increasing my comfrey plot . I now have 50+ large plants,(bocking 14),and about the same number from root cuttings this year, ready to go in the bed in the spring. I shall also be able to take hundreds of root cuttings this season, so will have a good sized bed . Free food for the animals....along with the good old mangles 20lb + each and any spare veg and grains , I hope to be almost feed self sufficient for the pigs when I get them .