hehe that could be interesting peeing in the compost lol
anyway .
I have 3 on the good also one is almost ready to go on the garden about 2/3 years old started it when i moved in lol
So very well rotted down it was full to the top but now only 1/3 full so most be in a good spot. The soil is also most ready for it to go on to. The place where it is going is slowly being lined with cardboard as a weed surpressant, I have lots of large bit of card board so i was gona give it a goo, not sure if it'll work, But that is what gardening is all about trial and error, Being an end of a group of terrace in a bigish village my neighbours think i am totally nutty.
I will be having a rearrange in the garden as soon as i come back from doing the family round next week (travelling to wales for funeral duties)
I'll let you all now how I get on with the cardboard and compost.