just catching up - how did the cider making go?
I hadnt seen this thread before deciding to make cider this year for the first time so i had the painful experience of quartering 50lbs of apples then squishing to a pulp in a bucket using a sledghammer (no nuts were harmed in the making of the cider) instead of a peice of wood.
While i was pressing I didnt think I got all the juice out - seemed too wet when I took it out of the press.
Made 2 gallons which is fermenting away as i type but I am not doing that again next year.
So, after the event, I decided to look into scratters and here's my idea... what about a set of gear cogs from the rear of a bicycle with the spindle powered by a drill. This would be at an angle in a pipe of some sort so that no big chunks of apple get through - What do you think?