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Author Topic: Hi Energy Lick Query  (Read 7227 times)


  • Joined Aug 2008
Hi Energy Lick Query
« on: September 07, 2008, 10:36:02 am »
Is September the month to provide a Hi Energy Lick for ewes and 6 month old lambs?

Is it provided to build up the ewe's condition (ready for tupping) or is it normal to provide at this time anyway?, with all the rain is it normal to keep it under cover? What is the difference between Beetlick and Hi energy lick?

I'd appreciate any advice regarding moving a small number of (castrated) ram lambs in with a 6 yr old ram?

Many thanks,



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Re: Hi Energy Lick Query
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2008, 05:23:46 pm »
Hi-energy lick can be provided at any time of the year, but most often it is used to boost the ewes/lambs when necessary. i.e. flushing for tupping time or just before lambing time in twins/triplets.

Flushing ewes is the act of putting ewes on lush grazing and boosting condition prior to putting the tup in. this is often done in commercial flocks to boost the number of lambs. Take care not to get the ewes overfat as this has the opposite effect and ewes may not get in-lamb or only have singles
Suffolks and other heavy continental ewes in small flocks are often given general purpose licks all year to keep them in trim. Zinc is beneficial for keeping feet in good condition. Tups generally do better with just mineral licks or salt licks.

Beetlicks are pretty much just hi-sugar licks most often used to prevent twin lamb disease. Being predominantly sugar beet/molasses.
We feed whole(chopped) sugar beet for the same effect


  • Joined Aug 2008
Re: Hi Energy Lick Query
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2008, 09:26:51 pm »

Many thanks for the useful advice. I was concerned with the amount of rain falling that the slugs would be attracted to the liquid collecting in the lick bucket - possibility of liver fluke? I'll make sure the bucket is under cover just to be sure.



  • Joined Feb 2008
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Re: Hi Energy Lick Query
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2008, 11:38:12 am »
Only provide a hi energy lick for your ewes now if they look as if they need a boost or your grass looks poor! It does help give a boost to fertility but not very significantly if the animals are in very good condition anyway! Some sheep take a likeing to tubs and eat them for a passtime!! Rain does make them wet but the sheep drink the result!

As for putting wether lambs in with your ram.....there should be no probs so long as plenty of space to get out of his way........he will probably like the company.

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