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Author Topic: This year's abattoir experience  (Read 19490 times)


  • Joined Jul 2010
This year's abattoir experience
« on: August 29, 2010, 10:20:38 pm »
We took our beloved, loving and trusting pigs to the same abattoir this week that we had used last year.

Last year this abattoir had been very good, all quiet and calm despite there being lots of customers, not a splatter of blood in sight. Very relieved with the whole process.

This year it was horrible, to put it mildly, as one vicious and very, very angry person in a blood stained shirt decided that pigs existed for him to deliberately inflict pain upon (electric shocks, even in their faces, petrified panic-stricken pigs desperately trying to flee).
Got the carcasses back, their heads bruised and with pieces pieces missing and cut out - anybody who can tell me to which extent this could be normal, please do, as I am shocked but have nothing to compare to as I didn't see the heads of my previous pigs after slaughter.

Anybody who wants to know the details, please let me know, I've written everything down to take this further.

Eve - shocked, stressed, and with a awful feeling of guilt and anger
Home slaughter next year


  • Joined Oct 2008
Re: This year's abattoir experience
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2010, 10:29:01 pm »
using an electric prod like that is an offence. having bruising on the meat should have been taken off as not fit. but if i was you i would complain to the rspca/animal health and make sure you let other know what they were doing. if it was not the boss complain. lastly you can refuse to deliver them. you have looked after them and cared for them there is no justification for excessive cruety.


  • Joined Feb 2009
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Re: This year's abattoir experience
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2010, 10:47:50 pm »
I know nothing about pigs or abbatoir experiences but would hope that this is wrong. You must complain to every person you can and put a stop to further cruelty. I understand you must be horrified, let us know how you get on please.


  • Joined Feb 2010
  • Llanidloes; Powys
Re: This year's abattoir experience
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2010, 11:02:53 pm »
Which abattoir was it???

I am in Powys and am planing to send my pigs to the Daysdrove abattoir in Bishop's Castle.

Was it them?

I know you probably can't say much on an open(ish) internet forum because of defamation etc but a simple yes or no would be very helpful.

What a shock :-(

We do the best we can with the information we have

When we know better we do better

little blue

  • Joined Jun 2009
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Re: This year's abattoir experience
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2010, 11:03:51 pm »
Eve, how awful. complain, to stop this happening to any more poor animals... theres just no need is there.
Little Blue


  • Joined Jul 2010
Re: This year's abattoir experience
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2010, 11:42:15 pm »
Thankyou for your messages, it was traumatising (and not just for the pigs). Nearly a week later and it's still constantly in my mind, it's the first thing I think of when I wake - I know I pampered my pigs too much but no normal person could think of what was done to them as normal. I've contacted Animal Health and will be taking this to any organisation and person I can think of.

I can never, ever do this again. Next year it'll be home slaughter, probably, luckily I don't sell meat so I can do that. No pig of mine is ever going to be even the slightest bit stressed or in pain ever again!

Powys, don't worry, I'm based in the northern Home Counties.

Thankyou all,



  • Joined Jun 2010
  • East Sussex
Re: This year's abattoir experience
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2010, 08:21:19 am »
Eve, what an awful experience. :(

Good luck with your fight.

Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do, than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines; sail away from the safe harbour; catch the trade winds in your sails. -  Mark Twain


  • Joined Oct 2007
Re: This year's abattoir experience
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2010, 08:38:43 am »
Sorry you had such a rotten experience.  Even at the huge commercial abattoir I use, they dont abuse the pigs at all.  I know some of the lorry drivers can be a bit slap happy with the electric shocker, although never, ever seen them use it anywhere but on the backsides and always when the pigs are trying to turn back into the lorry.  I dont like it but ...

However if the abattoir had abused my animals, they would have got a screaming virago, albeit they wouldnt have understood much of what I was saying as I doubt my french would have stood up to the moment.  I would also contact animal health and animal welfare.  If they did that when you were there, what will they do if you were not.  Also it may help your own peace of mind to do something about the mistreatment.  The sadistic bully is relying on people being traumatised or concerned that they wont be able to use the abattoir again to keep silent and to allow him to do this. 

Cruelty is cruelty under whatever guise.  Hope you are able to complain and to make a difference.  (Its giving me the collywobbles just thinking about your experience).



  • Joined Jul 2010
Re: This year's abattoir experience
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2010, 11:39:24 am »
Thankyou. I did protest at the way the animals were being treated but was told twice: "iI's either this or you take them home". They know full well that those traumatised animals would never have gone anywhere near a trailer again and that we couldn't just take them elsewhere, so it's really a case of "we'll inflict as much pain as we like".

I'm normally the interfering type who shouts loudly very quickly, but this time I was just too shocked, so my protesting was at a lower volume, so to speak. You can imagine I'll be watching anybody who ever comes near my pigs again like a hawk!

So far I've got on my list of people and organisations to contact:
Defra (Animal Health), they're getting my full statement by email tonight
Food Standards Agency
MP for my area and the abattoir's area
The 3 main political parties as according to Animal Health the government is planning on having next to no vets at all at abattoirs but counting on "trust" (!!!)
Compassion in World Farming
Prince Charles (well, his secretary or foundation)
Any online forum I can think of
Please do all let me know if you have any suggestions!

I'm a bit scared, to be honest, but I just have to do this for the animals and myself.


Fowgill Farm

  • Joined Feb 2009
Re: This year's abattoir experience
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2010, 01:37:40 pm »
I am so sorry you have had this traumatic experience.
Firstly i would name and shame this abattoir as somebody on here may be about to send animals to them and better forewarned etc. It will also put people off using this abattoir and hurt them in the pocket which is usually where there is most effect. Abattoirs can't afford to lose business to bad press.
Secondly which i think you will already have done is speak to the owner/management regarding what happened and ram home hard the fact that you will be kicking up a stink with the authorities and insist to know if any disciplinary action has been taken against the sadistic bar steward who off loaded your pigs. Make them very aware that you are telling all and sundry about your experiences.Threaten to sue for trauma and distress this has caused you.
We all work hard to make sure our animals have a dignified respectful, stressless end to their lives and this man has totally ruined this for you.
Boiling mad on your behalf


  • Joined Oct 2008
Re: This year's abattoir experience
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2010, 02:14:40 pm »
the enviromental health may be worth a shot to. the sent unfit meat back to you. so it could not have been properly inspected.


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Re: This year's abattoir experience
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2010, 04:09:52 pm »
There was an article in the Farmers Guardian (last issue) They are being dealt with for an almost exact carbon copy of what you are dealing with.

Quote: (Farmers Guardian, Friday August 20th 2010)

"Essex slaughter house shuts after investigation."

"The film shot over three days in April, showed scenes of extreme and deliberately-inflicted suffering', acording to Animal Aid, including use of electric tongs on animals, snouts, tails and in their mouths."


  • Joined Jan 2009
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Re: This year's abattoir experience
« Reply #12 on: August 30, 2010, 05:12:24 pm »
Jeepers - how truly horrific  >:(
I found taking my pigs to our abattoir not a great experience but that had nothing to do with the abattoir as such - the staff there couldn't have been more helpful and they treated our pigs with respect, without any hullaballoo. I will be using them again (R J Trevarthan, Penryn).
I got the head and all offcuts, trotters etc back and have to say that everyhting looked fine, no missing bits or bruises.
I'm not surprised you are angry about this treatment - definately do as you are doing and keep us all updated
All the best


  • Joined Jun 2008
Re: This year's abattoir experience
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2010, 05:18:58 pm »
its totally unacceptable

in the 1st instance along with everyone else you are writting to, write directly to the owner/manager of the slaughterhouse - not that this is of any help to you, it may be they have employed a bad apple and are totally unaware that this 'person' (i use the term in its looses sence!!) has inflicted pain and injury to your pigs!

I have never had any brusing on my pigs when they are returned, that would be unacceptable!!

It also might be worth finding out if they slaughter for any big food chain ie tescos asda sainsburrys and complain to these also. Another point, is who the hell was the vet and why did they not do anything- a complaint should also be raised against this person to whoever oversees the vets!!!

Ask defra how you get the details of vets assigned to slaughterhouses and meat inspecter if different.  and take this line aswell, who stamped your meat as fit for human consumption, the meat inspecter also needs a kick if they are turning a blind eye to cruelty

just on a note, our slaughter house is run by kind considerate humaine people - for example i dropped off pigs once and they startled at the sheep, (they had never seen sheep before) the staff who was overseeing the unloading, just shut a gate behind them, and said leave em, they will find the pen the doors open, no need to stress them out!! I have never seen a prodder in use and to be quite fair i would have hit the operative if he dared to treat my animals with such aggression.

This place needs naming and shaming, what about speaking to the press, Hillside animal sanctuary sometimes do undercover work

I would not like to think my animals had ended up there


  • Joined Jun 2008
Re: This year's abattoir experience
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2010, 05:25:06 pm »
i have posted a link on river cottage and downsizer, i think folks should be aware :(


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