My older goat was 10 in April. Early this evening I saw that my younger goat was pawing the ground, then charging at Pom, the old one. I kept an eye on them and saw that Pom was lying down and trying to get up. As soon as she had made it but before she could get her balance, Caldi butted her and kcocked her down again. I called my OH to come and help as I wanted to get her back in the shed but she managed to get up again and into the shed. Meanwhile, Caldi had her hackles up and was threatening to butt, first Pom then me.
Pom flopped back down in the shed. I've put hurdles out to separate the shed so Pom can get some peace from being butted. I stroked her and realised that she is incredibly thin. I noticed that she was thinner but she suddenly seemed to be so much thinner. I gave her some ivy, hawthorn and jostaberry twigs which she loved. Then made up some concentrates, which they only get as an occasional treat now. She quickly polished it off. She's been eating normally up til now and has ad lib hay and a daily bucket of chopped carrots, cabbage and any other veggies I have around.
What worries me is that her mum died at the same age and suddenly lost a lot of weight and had trouble standing. Is this likely to be Pom's time?I wondered if Caldi's behaviour meant that she knows Pom is close to death and is staking her claim to become top goat.
Any ideas?