The other half and i spent most of yesterday in the garden, making repairs to the avey roof, putting roofing on the cat runs, picking up presents from the dogs! etc i moved part of a deflated pool inside the half finnished summer house and to my horror about 8 mice ran in different directions from underneath! the buggers had eated through the bottom of the chickens food bag and set up home! i was more annoyed that i had been stupid enough not to think about mice and rats when i left the food there just the convience! as we breed cats we have alot of neuters running around of various breeds, however the british shorthairs were more intrested in chasing there tails, rolling around or falling asleap, the persians were more intrested in either being picked up for cuddles or sitting stairing aimlessley into space! (do love them tho lol) the scottish wildcats seemed intrested but they live in a secure enclosure and the mice arnt stupid enough to go in there! the bengals and orientals we have are all active girls (and very expensive) so stay inside or in a run in the garden for some fresh air and will do until spayed. The only two non-pedigree cats that live in the house that would have done the job with ease had completley dissapeared into the neighbourhood for the night! so i think a good old mouse trap is called for as the cats are utterley useless as mouse hunters! the chickens dont seem to care tho, they had great fun running up to me and then away again while i was cleaning out there home and diddnt care about the mice, dogs or the cats all being there!