I started a herb garden this year.
I've always had a few types of mint about the place...ginger, apple, and spearmint (for the butterflies), but this year I built a wee dry stane wall round a bit of the garden at the kitchen door. I covered it with broken pots on the bottom, and filled it with a mixture of moisture-retaining compost and top soil.
Our local garden centre has really got going with the herbs this year, so I bought Salad Burnett, Sage 'Honey Melon' variety, which has a very attractive red tubular flower, Chamomile, Basil 'Magic Mountain', Lemon Thyme, Marjoram, and Pineapple Mint. My wife brought Chives and Parsely home from the supermarket, so I split the bunches and planted them along the back. I also moved some Ginger Mint from another bed to help fill the bed.
Along the front I planted Verbena 'Peruviana', which creeps and has a vibrant red flower head made up of lots of tiny flowers, similar to Forget-me nots, and it trails along and over the top of the stone. Some house leeks and stone crop at ground level and in the cracks finishes it off.
The whole bed has gone mad! I've had to thin it several times. I just put too much in, really
I love herbs and I've already started planning another area for more.